

I swear these two should write a treatment and get this syndicated..

My Chi-town peoples are back at it again..Snickers and Rai.This shit is HEE LAR EE US...DVS I feel ya pain fam...Raina, you already know! lol

"Who are you and WHERE IN THE FUCK IS MY WIFE?? Hello, police. I would like to file a missing person's report...." *dead*

Some past eps in case you have not seen these before.....

For those that come for the pics..Happy Thanksgiving.

I do realize that some of you are just here to look and move on to the next blog. This is for you...


Johanna Hernandez

Rosa Acosta

Zoe Saldana

Twitter Person of the Week- DrPostALot

I told you it was a two for one type of thing going on! This tweeter here is special. Owns a beautifully designed website and tweets with the best of 'em! Very personable and always responds back.

Enjoy the follow! Follow them here:

Looks like your boy earned his first celebrity 'unfollow'

I said who on Twitter but you know what? I'mma just give some hints..They are not a male though and they have about 22k followers. I will say that...

Do I care? I think it is funny. I don't have many followers compared to a huge blog so yeah, I think it is laughable that any of this would earn me a 'unfollow' outta 22k people.

Twitter Person of the Week- Poetesscrystal

This is a good friend of mine from another spot on the web (some of you know her) that is just an all around GOOD PERSON. The kinda person that if you came to her town, her and her family would take ya in, give you the lay of the land, fill your belly and have you wanting to live where they do. You know the kinda person I am talking about? That is Crys...I mean Poetesscrystal. She DEFINITELY lives up to her name too. Go here and peep just how NICE she is with the words. She gets down. Great follow on Twitter.

Follow her here:

Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week: @juicee_mama69

I took a week off (Notice the other post is gone now.) but I am back with it now. Both honors. Because of that and some other circumstances, you will probably get two of each. I know some of you look forward to this so....

She is really youthful looking in the face but don't be fooled. She is a full grown woman. 30 years old from Albany, NY. Really nice. Participates in #twitterafterdark something heavy. Will reply back to you. Loves to (Check the pictures....)

Follow her here..

Her avy picture will show you what the 'rest' of her looks like. Trust me. I don't need to post it up. She takes care of

Remember Elena Delledonne?? She is BACK...

She played her first BASKETBALL game for the University of Delaware and gave them 19 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 blocks..

In case you don't know who she is, she is the former PLAYER OF THE YEAR in girl's high school basketball for THE NATION. She was scheduled to go to UConn but cited burnout as her reason (a good one by the way) for not reporting. She then went home to UD and walked on the volleyball team (She was a All State Volleyball member too.)

After a year off, she is back on the court. She is 6'4/5 and can PLAY. I have played with and against her so I am not talking outta the side of my mouth. She can ball. She can handle. She can shoot and she is not afraid. I wish her the best and will be watching her closely.


Another link

Highlights of her in high school.

It is official. The boy Clark Bar and Sap the Beat Man with OT Records

This is big news for the label. Congratulations gentleman.

Clark Bar is featured on the OT Record's smash hit "Man Down" with Shizz Nitty. He is 'back' for all of those who were wondering where he was and it is official. This is the same CLARK BAR that I featured in Rennie Rox's (who is also HIS MANAGER) movie "The Game of Death". So you know he is not one dimensional. The boy can spit and act a lil something for you too. Go check that movie out.

Sap the Beat Man has laced not only the OT Records camp with not only the "Sox In Da Air" beat wise but has a bonafied hit with "Ten Freaky Girls (remix) ft. Freeway (Yes, THAT FREEWAY). He is also responsible for a beat by a pretty well known Philly artist by the name of Meek Mill's hit "In My Bag". You may have heard of that one I am sure.

Look out for that On Deckery 2 featuring Clark Bar, Sap, Shizz Nitty, Chuck50, 5thWard, Mr. Dicer and some others along with Shizz's solo debut 'on deck' as well. Not mention the 'RSVP' mixtape, a CLARK BAR mixtape AND MY BOY CHUCK50'S mixtape coming. Looks like the OT Boys are locked and loaded for the new year over there. Look out for more exclusives, links, videos AND interviews with everyone mentioned here coming soon HERE.

You know what? Enough from me. Listen to them SPEAK ON IT. They can do it better than I can....You even get to see my boy Matty Gate$ from behind the scenes and speak first. Shout out to him too. Good looking on the footage and the access.

Bonus: In case you have not heard it, Shizz Nitty has a new single out. Download it here:

I Got It

I almost forgot you rapped Joey. Thanks for reminding me..

Addresses some things....

In case you don't know what the 'big' deal is about Tahiry....

Rennie Rox Films Presents....The Game of Death.

Shout out to Clark Bar (Sox in Da Air fame with Shizz Nitty) first off. Second, for those of you not familiar with the city of Wilmington, Delaware, this is a glimpse of what life is like there (and in the surrounding areas). I am hoping that this film gets some major love as all reviews of this film that I have heard have been stellar.

You say people aren't trying to make a change? I disagree. Some people are. The bad guy doesn't win in this one....As is usually the case in real life.

Raquel Reign...Hidden Treasures Mag...


For the sneaker heads the Jordan XIV's.....More pics there..(Just click on it. You won't be mad if you liked these pics)

Pay attention. Bugatti-Veryon..water..BAD ENDING..

I don't even know what to say. Hoping it is a stunt but all indications are saying it was not. Either way that is 1.7 MILLION in a salt water marsh.

Article here:

More news on the Verizon getting the I-Phone..

I am sure you have heard that there are even MORE INDICATIONS that the IPhone is indeed coming to the 'Can You Hear Me Now?' network. Soon. As in REALLY SOON.

Well...yes and no....

The article that started it all this week AKA THE 'YES':

"Judging from reader comments in this space, there are a lot of cellphone owners in America locked into Verizon (VZ) contracts who would buy an iPhone in a minute if they didn't have to switch carriers to get it.

Verizon has made it pretty clear that it would cut a deal with Apple (AAPL), were it not for a couple of impediments: 1) the contract that makes AT&T (T) the iPhone's exclusive U.S. carrier, and 2) the fact that Verizon's network (based on CDMA2000 technology) is incompatible with Apple's smartphone (which uses W-CDMA (UMTS)).

The first roadblock — AT&T's contract — is set to expire next year, according to a widely cited 2008 USA Today article that included an interview with chairman Randall Stephenson. (Stephenson declined to comment on the details of the contract.)

The second barrier could also disappear were Apple to build a new iPhone that is compatible with both AT&T and Verizon's networks.

Last week, AppleInsider reported on rumors that Apple may be doing just that. Its source was a leaked OTR Global report, based on unnamed sources in Apple's Taiwanese supply chain, that said Apple was making a "worldmode" phone using a new hybrid chip from Qualcomm (QCOM).

And here is the 'no', not yet part....

"This morning, CDMA inventor Qualcomm announced official plans to release new dual-carrier chips that would enable future phones to work on both its own CDMA/EVDO carrier partners such as Verizon and Sprint, as well as rival 3GPP carriers using UMTS/HSPA+ technologies such as AT&T and T-Mobile. The new chips also provide future support for LTE, the next generation 3GPP standard that most carriers plan to begin testing for deployment globally over the next few years.

However, an analyst has cited sources within Qualcomm in stating that although the company would like to have a dual-mode handset ready in 2010, that would likely be impossible. Ashok Kumar, an analyst with Northeast Securities, told AppleInsider that a dual-mode iPhone from Apple wouldn't exist until 2011 at the earliest.

Kumar said what Qualcomm wants and what they can do are two different things. In order for a dual-mode iPhone to launch in the summer of 2010, such a device would have to be in field trial today.

"They're nowhere near that," he said.

Kumar said he believes it would be a "stretch" for Apple to introduce a dual-mode CDMA/EVDO and UMTS phone in 2010. Instead, he expects a CDMA-only phone specifically made for Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile carrier in the U.S., to debut in the second half of next year."


Late Pass me if you must. He has a SPECIAL kinda venom in his voice

The Madd Rapper has NOTHING ON THIS CAT. Look, I am not saying he is all the way wrong or right either. He has some VERY VALID points. Like most things though, if you criticize one side of things, the other side cries foul. I am guessing he has heard enough criticism of the Black male and decided to speak out.

Now I don't agree that EVERY WOMEN is like he is saying. I know better. But just like every dude is not a model father (or hell, even a PRESENT FATHER), every mother isn't a saint nor are their motives pure. For every one of you out there who will take umbrage to what he is saying, I want you to remember that 'gold digging, no good, blood sucking tramp/b#tch/slut/whatever you called her' that your brother, newly divorced Dad/ex boyrfriend/good male friend was fooling with and all of her 'redeeming' qualities that you so astutely pointed out to him. It didn't negate you (and yours) from being a good mother so you being a good mother shouldn't negate his points that he is making about those who do what he is saying. They DO EXIST. I will post the rest of his videos at the bottom but this is the first one I ran across. (Shout out to TJ too! Good looking.)

I wish he could say all of this without the 'venom'. It might actually be taking REALLY seriously.

Here is part 1....He wasn't any nicer to Black people on a whole either so but this is where he started going in....On Oprah..His point on the 'Men want things back like they were in the old days..." The rest? Debatable.

Part 3 His voice changes.....

If you like what you are hearing you can get more here...href="">

(Audio) Focus- ft. Phonte = Recession

Link: Link

Bonus track...Homage to Dr. Dre..."Homage To Dr. Dre" feat. Crooked I, Jay Rock, Marsha Ambrosius, and Kida


Well well well Alicia Moore...

I'mma give you ONE WARNING....


The pics without the bar are HERE: (I wanna post 'em...How do ya'll feel? I will post them here if need be.)

Mike Knox's...Philly. G-Unit Philly to be exact..

I'll let him talk. No need to put words in his mouth.

This what Mr. Knox is referring to... @mousebudden Great talk with Beans & Mike Knoxx.... Fuck worldstar.

Seems the issue is resolved...

Asus UL20A12.1 inch laptop....

Just throwing other options out there as far as laptops go for my peoples. I know we are usually stuck on certain brands or products so....

Link to a unboxing of said product.

We learned 'nothing' I see..@Joe Budden & @SomayaReece

Blogger's Note: It seems as if this is Joe's way of staying 'out there'. Since this post was written, he had several other situations that he chose to play out in public so this is around the time I just stopped typing about the shit. Not that he was gonna 'hear' me anyway or care but it is CLEAR that it is his M.O. (shrugs) 

I mean not that he can't be with her. He can be with WHOEVER HE WANTS to be with. That is not it. Just sayin'...The spotlight on it tho...You know what tho? Joey do your thing. If this is how you do it, do it. I wish you the best. For real. I hope that you keep this relationship under wraps a lil more though. @ the vlogging and stuff. Not saying you can NEVER be on cam with her. That is silly. But just not ya'll arguing and shit. Or her throwing you under the bus or you doing the same to her.

In case you have no clue what she might look like and the video is not enough..

I forgot to say that I updated the ESPN The Body

Not much but a couple of pics...and some bonus pics of some of the people from other places.

Here are some more that I did not put IN THE ORIGINAL POST>>>>

Again, I had to put her next to a normal looking dude so one could see...She is not that big...


Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- @Lizmar22

Judging by the pics, she is (found it!) from the Santo Domingo. Very sweet person. Loves to talk and seems as if her life is an open book.

Just celebrated a birthday and kept us quite entertained on Twitter. She is newer follower (and I of her) mine so I am getting to know her too. From what I have heard from her though, she is obviously done enough to make it here.

Follow her here...

If you don't like ladies with glasses, YOU ARE MISSING OUT. That's all I'mma say...