

Dear Tyler Perry....THIS NEEDS TO BE YOUR POSTER for 'For Colored Girls' by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh

If I knew who to contact, I sincerely would. This is the only medium I really have. I am sure you will see a small contingent of postings around this subject though with the same poster. This person has LEGITIMATE skills. Please take a look at it.

Here is her blog...

Here is her Twitter so that you can contact her about her art.

More examples of her work..

I knew it would come to this..ole groupie gal gets yoked up..

Still not gonna say her name. Looks like she was in ATL and tried the 'right one'. He caught her going live on cam and this is what ensued..

I want to feel bad for her at this point. Not because of how she looks either. It is more because at this point, you can truly see she doesn't understand the magnitude of what she is doing or the fire she is playing with. I can't though. She is still wrong as two left shoes for going about her business this way. She doesn't do it the way she does and she is not getting hemmed up on some street in Georgia.

I understand she has the 'right to blast her business' and handle these interactions a certain way, she SURELY can't expect everyone is going to show restraint. She has to know at this point (and you do too if you are defending her) how this movie ends. Which is why I can't feel sorry for her. (Much like you don't feel sorry for the dudes..) One of these times, she is going to REALLY DO THIS TO THE RIGHT NI##A and shit is gonna get ugly. We can call him all kinds of names after he does it too but the fact will remain that if she 'tried him'. You can't put your values of how someone should handle you 'outing them' on anyone. People react in different ways. Now at this point, I am not sure WHY cats are still sleeping with her but I imagine it would be for the same reason they do so with any girl. I mean, they didn't stop making crazy when they made her. She needs to know that. Unfortunately, even this video probably won't stop her from talking her shit. She is gonna be right back on Worldstar, probably tomorrow, talking that same shit. Which is a shame.

We did it with football..Why not basketball? Who didnt' get drafted and/or where they might being going. NBA Draft.

Scottie Reynolds- (First First Team All-American not to get drafted IN HISTORY.) Shame too. He can play SOMEWHERE I am sure. Currently that somewhere is the Phoenix Suns Summer League team.

Art Parakhouski - Center (Radford) -

Matt Bouldin - Combo Guard (Gonzaga) -FA contract and Bulls' summer league team.

Sylven Landesberg, SG- Virginia (Should have stayed in school period. Not that he can't be good but he needed to add three point range. He will get a look though 'cause he can SCORE!) He will suiting up for the Sacramento Kings Summer League squad.

Samardo Samuels - Power Forward (Louisville) -

Mikhail Torrance - Point Guard (Alabama) He is a 6'5 guard. He will be playing for the Heat Summer League team for right to get done in during practice possibly by Wade, Lebron and Bosh...(Who knows..)

Jerome Randle (Cal)- Washington Wizards summer League team. He needs to holler at Earl Boykins STAT and see what he can do to stick around. He can fill it up. Might end up overseas and as one of those cats you don't WANNA SEE IN YOUR PRO-AM REC League...

Jon Scheyer - Combo Guard (Duke) - J.J. Redick pt. 2. Which actually isn't a diss. Playing for the Wizards summer league team.

Manny Harris- Michigan- He is a combo guard but a bit too streaky and inconsistent. D-League but first stop will be with Cleveland's summer league team. Then again, he might make it if Lebron bounces. They will have holes for sure then.

Denis Clemente - Shooting Guard (Kansas State) -

Charles Garcia - Power Forward (Seattle) - That Michael Beasley comparison probably hurt him a tad...New York Summer League team..

Sherron Collins - Point Guard (Kansas) - a summer league invite via the Charlotte Bobcats.

Brian Zoubek - Center (Duke) - New Jersey summer league team.

So what you are saying is the US men's team needs models to be motivated? Model Larissa Riquelme cheers on Paraguay

I mean, I see why them boys are playing well over there. She promised to paint herself in the country's colors and strip if they win....Yes she is a lil 'enhanced' I believe but ummm yeah....

Some of you celebrating the rest of the World's exuberance of Soccer while dissing our sports at the same time ready for this type of attention? 'Cause this is how they do it all in the rest of the World. I am sure you have seen that as you have been watching things progress while the World Cup has been on. I mean, most of you seem to have an issue with the model coughs:groupie:coughs quotient for the sports we DO LOVE. Tell you what, you look at the lil dudes running around in the shorts and we will look at the women cheering 'em on? Deal?

Anyhow...Read on...

Erin Andrews interview...I

The interviewer was probably trying to be edgy. It came off as being a dickhead to me though...These parts in particular..I mean, I understand difficult questions but this is some hot shit on a stick here. I don't give a shit how long he has been 'contributing' to the publication.

"Do you have man-size feet like Paris Hilton? You know, she can find shoes to fit her only in the “tranny” section of the shoe store.

No, I wear a size-7 shoe, and I am five feet ten inches.

What is the one thing you take when feeling constipated?

Are you really going to write about that? I’m not going to comment on that. That is kind of weird and I don’t feel comfortable answering that question. I have gone through so much in the last year.

I understand. You have been a victim of cyber-perversity—and, most impressive of all, you have rebounded in astounding fashion. Is there anything you would wish upon that man, Michael Barrett, who filmed you naked last year?

I am not going to answer that. The only thing that I would like to do is make sure people do not make a mockery of stalking and stalking victims."

Read More


Clark Bar...Looks like he bought Chuck50 with him this time..'Oh Let's Do It' (freestyle)

(Nods head) I am waiting on Chuck50 to do his thing. This is the same joint I put up earlier with Clark Bar with Chuck50...Just listen to it. They'll tell you what it is...

(Right to left)Chuck50,Matty Gate$ and Shizz Nitty of OT Records

(Yawns) Here we go again..iPhone to be sold on Verizon...TAKE 20...AND...ACTION!!!

One of these times it will be true though so...Supposed to happen in January. We will see...Funny thing is, I would STILL probably get a 'Droid if this happened.

Link here..

Verizon Wireless will start selling the iPhone in January of next year, according to a report from Bloomberg. While this is hardly the first Verizon iPhone rumor, Bloomberg is citing two people familiar with the matter.

In the wake of the successful launch of the iPhone 4 (you know, besides that whole antenna thing), a Verizon iPhone would solve the number one complaint US users have about the phone: the carrier.

In the U.S., the iPhone has been under an exclusive contract with AT&T since its launch, and although the carrier originally agreed to a five-year agreement with Apple, the actual specifics of that agreement and what leg-room may exist for bringing the phone to other carriers has never been made public.

Aside from exclusivity contracts, the other big hurdle with bringing the iPhone to Verizon is that the phone would need to be built to be compatible with Verizon’s cellular system. This in turn would require Apple to have two production lines, one for the Verizon phone and one for every other phone.

While having two manufacturing lines may not be the most efficient process, it may become a necessity for Apple, especially as Android sales on the Verizon network continue to rise. With an estimated 53% of Verizon customers saying that they are interested in buying an iPhone with the carrier, the userbase to support such a move certainly exists.

Despite frequent customer complaints over network call quality and call drops, Apple re-teamed with AT&T when offering its 3G data plans for the iPad. However, it is important to note that those plans do not require a contract.

AT&T, meanwhile, has been working hard to update its network and has partnered with companies like McDonald’s and Starbucks to offer free Wi-Fi at those locations, but the problems are still not over. The latest attempt to curb data usage has come in the way of new data pricing plans that put a 2GB limit on iPhone or iPad data (each additional gigabyte of data is another $10 a month).

I'll take "Who is Flozell Adams?" for a thousand, Alex..

He is visiting with Pittsburgh today according Adam Schefter and others....We shall see if we sign him to replace Willie..

The Return interview. T.I. on Chelsea Handler (Lately)

Pretty funny...She talks about the care package she sent him while in prison..

Black Sheep- For the Record..

New joint by Dres of Black Sheep that is going to be on the upcoming album..Sounds like Dres is keeping the name alive as it is him on the track (and from what I hear, the album too)...


Lauryn Hill on her way back it looks like...

She is scheduled to be at Rock the Bells next months...

" “There were a number of different reasons,” she says. “But partly, the support system that I needed was not necessarily in place. There were things about myself, personal-growth things, that I had to go through in order to feel like it was worth it. Oftentimes, I think people are forced to make decisions prematurely. And then that sound radiates.”

“I’m trying to open up my range and really sing more,” she says. “With The Fugees initially, and even with “Miseducation,” it was very hip-hop — always a singing over beats. I don’t think people have really heard me sing out. So if I do record again, perhaps it will have an expanded context. Where people can hear a bit more.”

“I don’t know if you know this, but I have five children,” she says. “The youngest is 2 now, so she’s old enough that I can leave her for a period of time and know she’s going to be okay. That’s one reason. And I think it’s just time. I’m starting to get excited again. Believe it or not, I think what people are attracted to about me, if anything, is my passion. People got exposed to my passion through music and song first. I think people might realize, you know, ‘We love the way she sounds, we love the music, but I think we just love how fearless she is. How boundless she is, when it comes to what she wants to do.’ And I think that can be infectious.”

On her creative experience:

“When I create music, I think the feeling you get, I get first….when I first have a creative insight, not just the voice but the creativity, the production, the idea, the concept, the music involved, there is a high, there is an emotional experience for sure. I think I made music, especially back in the day, as consistently as I did because it made me feel so good. Some might even argue that it may be a creative addiction, but the healthy kind.”

More of the article here: I would go there so you can listen to the audio of her being interviewed. This above parts were taken from there....

It doesn't take much for a group of 30-somethings to get nostalgic about Hill. Put her solo album, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, on at a bar, and it takes the crowd right back to college days or high-school summers. I met Daryl Lutz while he was hanging out with a group of friends on the deck of Marvin's Bar in downtown Washington, D.C.

"We went to school in Hampton, Va., and she came to do a show," he said. "It was one of the best times in my life — I mean, she spoke to me! We snuck backstage and I got her to sign my meal card. She said, 'This is your meal card, brother, you know?' I said, 'That's all I got.' She signed it, 'Eat well — L. Boogie.' That's something I'll never forget. I love her. I love her to death."

I heard tons of stories like Lutz's that night — mostly closed with this plea: "Come back, Lauryn. We need you. Come back!" People spoke directly into the microphone, as if it were a telephone line.

From New Ark To Israel

Hill became a star with the hip-hop trio The Fugees. Their second album, The Score, came out in 1996, and it was an instant classic. The group — Hill, Wyclef Jean and Prakazrel Michel — sounded like they were in perfect sync. On the first single, "Fu-gee-la," Hill sang the hook, rhymed a verse, then sang again. She was the total package, more so than any other rapper, male or female, has been.

She's one of slickest rappers ever: Her rhymes are dexterous, spiritual, hilarious, surprising. Without a doubt, she was the best-looking rapper the world had ever seen. And Hill was a soul singer with a real old-school, almost militant, politic. The second single was Hill's cover of Roberta Flack's "Killing Me Softly." That recording has never really gone away, and its success built the expectations for Hill's solo record to a fever pitch. Particularly to women and young girls who listened to her then, she was a revelation. There was steel in her voice when she rapped; she sang like she really cared about our hopeless crushes and our impotent rages, like she really loved us. We thought maybe we could grow up to be like her.

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill came out in 1998. It was like LeBron James' rookie year in the NBA. You knew he had the potential to be great after seeing him in high school — and then, right out of the gate, he's one of the best ball players in the league.

Jayson Jackson, part of Hill's management team, described the recording process this way: "The record was already inside her. She would go into the studio, and it would just pour out of her."

Lenesha Randolph sang backing vocals on Miseducation, and she describes herself today as the backing vocals "to all your favorite artists." She's on tour with Lady Gaga right now, but a formative influence on her singing was her work in the studio singing backup for Hill.

"I don't know if people are gonna like this album, because I'm just singing, and nobody wants to hear rappers sing," Hill told Randolph at the time. Randolph says she couldn't believe it. "I was like, 'What are you talking about?' " Randolph says. "I would just stare at her, like, look in her mouth! Because when you hear her sing, and then hear her speak — it had such power and volume and rasp. It was something to strive for."

Oh this is funny as hell...EVO 4G Salesman vs. Apple I-Phone 4...

Oh this sounds like SO MANY PEOPLE THAT I KNOW...Hilarity.

Oh you have a new album coming out eh, Mr. Debarge. No wonder you were on BET last night...

Interesting....Should be good. He showed he STILL HAS IT. New track is called 'Second Chance'..


Get well Big Willie Colon...

Ruptured heel...Looks like a season ending injury. Flozell Adams maybe? We will see. He was hurt before and we filled in for him so we can manage. Hope he recovers fully though. Rather have him than NOT HAVE HIM.

Does it doom our season? No.

More Mizz DR..Diana Escotto...

Yes, she is that popular here.


This is an area favorite that hopefully will go NATIONAL. Meek Mill- Rose Red

I promise you if you hear this in most clubs in Philly, NJ and Delaware, the place will EXPLODE.

Alicia Keys...BET Awards 2010- Prince...'Ye...Trey...and more..

(Props to fourfour for the Gifs.)

When she got up on that piano......

Her with Patti Labelle

Patti's shoe...Prince retrieving it..(Jose3030)

Prince - Patti Labelle Shoes GIF on Twitpic

Prince's reaction to the boy Trey Songz mid song tribute...

Kanye opening the show..

Queen Latifah

Nicki Minaj

Chris Brown & Alicia Keys backlash...I was gonna write something but my peoples Steph/Assertive Wit took care of it for me..

Here is his performance....

I will say this and then let you read what Steph had to say....

If you can't forgive don't go around expecting others to forgive you....It is just that simple.

Now I often allude to some of you not ever being forgiven for what you may or may not have done but you have to bear the blame for in your own lives. This is what I am talking about. You take these situations and you get so bitter about them that one can't help but wonder, even if you lived through situations like the ones that you are upset, have you TRULY DEALT WITH IT. Some of you 'proudly' say no and when it is pretty fresh, that is understandable. After awhile though, life goes on people. Sorry. If you have lived long enough, you have ALL DID SOMETHING. This standing in judgment thing is getting old. Especially when you are standing in a steaming pile of shit yourself. Which a 100% of us has done at one time or another and pretty high percentage of us are standing in right now. @ lack of perfection...Only reason why I can write stuff like this is because I am bringing it from a place of imperfection and I am not scared to tell you that I am not perfect in MAJOR WAYS. Not that fluffy, 'I snore' or 'I am a music freak and might take it too far sometimes' kinda way either. Real life, "I fucked up, I know it, I was WRONG, I have to make a change kinda admissions. Which some of you could REALLY stand to do. Even if you have made changes to improve outwardly. 'Cause if you are acting like because you changed that it makes you 'better' than him or that he cannot change because nobody thought you would 'cause it is 'normal' to act that way, you are just as bad. You KNOW BETTER. Stop exacting your revenge or 'hiding' that you used to be messed up too in an effort to sound politically correct and fit in. You are on your BS man. Sorry. Every time someone in the spotlight messes up, some of you have a tendency to HYPE IT UP, knowing you have done that and TAKEN IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL too. Or that your girl did it. Your mama did it. Your Daddy did it...and so on and so forth.............

Hit up Beautiful Struggle for the rest..She covered all the angles that I was going to cover. Verbatim. Probably sound better coming from her though..So go read it.

Compared to me, Chris Brown is a child. Straight up and down. A child who made a foolish mistake. A child who will hopefully grow into a man who knows better and control his anger in the correct and proper way. The only person who knows the truth about that night is Chris, RiRi, and God. And only God can judge him. The problem is people are so quick to vilify this young man when they give praises to several other "women beaters" and "child molesters". Months leading up to the situation there were SEVERAL reports of Rihanna hitting on him and fights in hotel rooms, at beaches, at clubs...but pictures say 1000 words. Those pictures came out and it was a wrap for him. He gained some love when that cute white couple danced to "Forever" at their wedding. That song ended up being #1 on itunes almost 2 years after it dropped. However he is still facing the backlash, and his videos and songs hardly ever air on tv or the radio. But I love the way I can hear R. Kelly every other day or see him singing about being a Pied Piper (oooh the ironies in life...). Again, I digress.

I don't condone what Chris did. But that boy is a child. And children make mistakes. I have been in his position. And I mean that in this MOST literal way. I know what it's like to allow someone to get you so upset that your only recourse is to lash out and smack someone. I know what it's like to feel like you have to fight to get your point across. Thank God for anger management. I know better now. And hopefully he will too. I have friends (female and male) who have been on both sides. Domestic violence is not a situation to be taken lightly. And I don't take it lightly...but when I saw that child crying last heart went out to him. Because not everyone knows that pain and turmoil and frustration that you feel inside...knowing you messed up, letting people down, being unable to release your stress/pain in a non violent they will talk about you and diss you when they have done far worse.

Oh you thought that was something? Aww man, I have more. If Steph baked the cake then Assertive iced it and made a pretty picture on it....Here is a PIECE of what she had to say....The rest is HERE:

"As far as Alicia goes...yall don't know SH*T about that woman's life EXCEPT what you see in the media. AGAIN, if we were to take bits and pieces of regular normies lives and distribute them to the public, I am sure I can make a large percentage of people reading this blog look like the criminally insane. NO ONE but her, Swizz and Mashonda have ALL the details regarding that relationship. Even IF we did, what in the hell does that have to do with her writing music and playing instruments? Not a damn thing. So yall call her an adulterer and that she conceived her child in sin...well last I checked fornication was a sin too...don't stop yall from humping and scrumping on each other. God doesn't have a check list that says "adultery, bad...fornication, not as bad". IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, IT SAYS CLEARLY IN THE BIBLE THAT BOTH ARE WRONG. So if A. Keys needs to kill herself, why don't you do everyone a favor and blow your brains out too.

The problem I have with the general public is all the judgment they pass on others. It is sickening to see my timeline always filled with "#whogonecheckmeboo" "#dontjudgeme" "I'm grown and I do what I want; I wish someone WOULD say something to or about me" "haters are always talking sh*t about me; hate on haters"...and more foolywang that fools like to spit and then see these SAME people judging folks they only know through the media. AGAIN, NONE OF US KNOW THESE PEOPLE! THEY WERE NEVER YOUR FRIEND, NO MATTER HOW MUCH OF A FAN YOU WERE BEFORE THEY SHOWED YOU THEY WERE JUST AS FALLIBLE AS YOU.

The Christian and hypocrisy side of things go hand in hand because a large portion of people who I follow and that end up in my timeline are Christians. This isn't based on assumption; I know the majority of these people and I can always count on Sunday to see their "praise Jesus" tweets. Apparently what I can count on is for them to act unChristlike too. I AM NOT CONDONING A MAN PUTTING HIS HANDS ON A WOMAN OR don't make THIS about THAT. What I am saying is, who are you to say that it is NOW ok to forgive Chris? Who are you to talk about someones unborn child because of how it was conceived? When did someone appoint you God? God forgives us EVERY DAY for ALL of OUR sins, not just the ones other people can see. Who were you to say last year that Chris didn't deserve his job anymore because he hit his girlfriend? Alicia can't write music and sing it because YOU think she's talking about f*cking around with a married man? Do you even know WHEN she wrote that damn song? No you don't so shut the f*ck up. If I looked at your life in FULL DETAIL, would you be able to walk away unjudged by God for your actions? I seriously doubt it because WE ALL SIN.

I don't know what Bible these folks been reading but apparently they have found some list that says certain sins are to be forgiven while others are not. Last I checked, that aint nowhere in the Bible. God doesn't pick and choose WHAT sins are forgivable. Granted, if you continue to do the same thing over and over like an idiot, you aren't showing repentance but again, that isn't our place to judge someone on. As for the fake ass people, well, if you don't want anyone judging your hoeish ways, shady behavior, and/or felonious acts, STOP JUDGING OTHER PEOPLE. Instead of spending all this time talking about how genuine Chris Browns apologies are, whether or not his tears were real or a PR stunt, and if A. Keys needs to "burn in hell for stealing someones husband", yall need to go read your Bible.

No, seriously, start at Genesis 1:1 and don't get your ass up until you have read everything down to Revelation 22:21. In that book, you will find that God forgave men who committed HEINOUS crimes against their family, friends, and groups of people they didn't even personally know. King David was the assclown of his era but God still saw something in him that allowed him to remain in his good favor. He didn't go without punishment but it was God who did the punishing...not some puny humans. Don't believe me? Go do your research...King David wanted another man's wife SO bad that he would sleep with her while her husband was at war. When the wench got pregnant, David put her husband on the frontline to make sure he didn't come home to a wife pregnant with some other mans baby. So not only did he commit adultery, he intentionally set someone up to get murdered. When you read that account and other parts of the Bible, you will see that God had plans for David STILL after he willfully committed wrong acts."

I don't waste time telling you who I don't fool with. I just tell you who I do. Clark Bar (Lets Do It freestyle) & Keena...OT Records..

He is definitely spitting on this joint..

ON DECKERY 2 ON THE WAY SOON!!! Two tracks from the follow up to On Deckery...

Learn more about Clark Bar:

Listen to this FIRE Clark and Keena put together. Crazy chemistry between the two. He is not just one dimensional as you can see. He has something for the females too! Watch what he does on this Rihanna track with the girl Keena.