(Words) #Instragram #Android #iPhone X Lies X Elitism X Hate and OUR need to fall in line with it...

You can ENLARGE THE PICTURE.. Or hit the link below to get to it..

http://instagr.am/p/JGsMnapTER/ elitism

Let me help you if you don't understand what I mean by 'our' first. So that there is no speculation. I'm talking about people of color. Yeah, that need DOES affect others but they aren't the ones coming from a point of view being 'stepped on', down trodden and just out and out disrespected. Why the hell does that matter? Glad you asked Sherlock! It is important because you would THINK that coming from such a place, we wouldn't fall into the habit of doing it to EACH OTHER under most circumstances. Yet, time and time again, we slip RIGHT INTO THOSE SAME HABITS. As I like to say....'Whitey taught you well...'

I mean we have cats out here claiming 'Team this' and 'Team that' over MATERIAL THINGS. It isn't just 'jokes' either. I don't want to hear that. Folks are out here basing their PERSONALITIES and their 'swag' on these things so don't hand me that 'I'm just joking nigga' shit. Nope. Ya'll are out here getting personal with it. Talking about if 'You don't have this'..you ain't shit. Meanwhile, you don't have LIFE'S BASICS down.

The kicker? SOME* OF YOU ARE BEING ELITIST ABOUT SHIT THAT YOU HAVE NO REAL KNOWLEDGE OF! Going by what your geeky 'white boy' who is SCARED TO DEATH OF YOUR ASS tells you and taking it as the gospel. Or my favorite, just being sheep and going with what you see said White People do. (But then want to get mad when they buy hip hop and say that those SAME RECORDS SALES FROM THE WHITE PEOPLE YOU ARE TRYING TO EMULATE all of the sudden don't matter! Interesting..) I probably know more about YOUR PHONE THAN YOU DO. Same with your car. Same with that 'fancy eatery' that you have claimed as 'your spot' that you don't want 'anybody else to eat at...'**

Back to the phone thing though, 'cause it is the latest 'issue'. The picture up top is from MY INSTAGRAM. (Follow or don't follow..IDGAF.. Do you..). I have a ANDROID THUNDERBOLT and no I don't hate Apple. The joints we used to have in school as a child? I had EVERYONE AS MY DAD FIXED COMPUTERS ON THE SIDE. (I'm also proficient in old archaic languages like Colbalt and Pascal..lmao) Point being is, I don't have an 'issue' with Apple. My issue is with you elitist ass cats with your misinformation and the fact you actually had the AUDACITY TO GET MAD ABOUT FOLKS GETTING INSTAGRAM. Shit is laughable B. Here's some of the bullshit I have heard some of you spew out for the last week. (I wish I would have actually favorited the tweets. I just wasn't that worried about 'em at the time but I remember 'em..)

You can see who said this here....https://twitter.com/#!/carolinaware/status/187648184561057793

Iphones have a better camera...

These 'Droid users and their shitty cameras pictures are messing up Instagram....

These 'Droid users are UPLOADING PICTURES LEFT AND RIGHT. Got my stream going HAM. Don't upload so many pictures. 

Dear Droid users, don't upload pictures of yourself or I will unfollow you. @ too many self pictures...

#iPhone only @ those pictures that are edited JUST LIKE THE ONE I PUT TOP...  

Instagram has become rachet since Android users joined...

(Chuckles) I have more but I SPOKE directly to those folks on the TL and saw they were just joking/we kinda talked that out. These though? Oh these niggas are SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. Every other tweet was about it. I can say I didn't call it though: 


As far the camera claim and the pictures: 

I think we all knew that the launch wasn't going to be 'smooth'. The last two updates have shown it wasn't 'user error' (even I had said that jokingly...Knowing it wasn't.. I personally disproved that...) It was a system error within the app. Android users weren't even allowed to upload some pictures because they were 'too small'. They fixed that though and with that also fixed 95% of the blurry pictures. Even though I personally went around that issue by using PicsArt to upload pics or KD Collage as I explained in THIS POST..


If you go to MY INSTAGRAM, the only blurry pictures are the ones I MADE BLURRY MYSELF as I didn't want you nosy motherfuckers to see certain shit. That's it. lol

Better camera? Stop that shit.. First of all, everyone isn't posting pictures they took with their cameras on their phones. Second of all....


Better screen? Yes. Better pictures? Nope. I mean we can get down to the brass tax of things if we are going spec for spec. Non removable batteries. No ability to add storage. No native Flash playing.. I won't bring up the other issues that Apple JUST NOW GOT TOGETHER just like Android has done. In other words, both phones have 'issues'/faults if you will. It is a matter of preference. You have to know the FACTS though. Stop going on 'speculation' and what your favorite 'rapper' is telling you is the better phone.. lol For real.

As far as the 'amount' of pictures:

Again, ya'll kill me. First you won't follow folks who 'don't have a lot of pictures' because you want to see what they are 'going to post' then it is 'You post too much.'.. I have one thing to say to that...

"The touch..the feel....the fabric of the hate...." - Set to the tune of the following video...

 <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VIrfR2UEycg?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VIrfR2UEycg?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360">

  <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cayXJcf4LjY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

Make up your minds outchea folks. I know you had the app for two years now but you are quite hoemotional about this here shit. It is a app. Deal with it. 

Outchea with the oppressive tactics that have been used against you.. Get up off that horse.

I already dispelled that 'iPhone' only quality bullshit. I can do it again though...@ the tricked out pictures.. Here you go...

UPDATE: I left out one....


THERE IS A WHOLE OTHER SIDE OF INSTAGRAM SOME OF YOU DON'T FOLLOW. I knew about it BEFORE I WAS ABLE TO LOG ON TO IT FROM MY DROID. All you have to do is type in Ware's Faves..I'd say 30% of the RECENT PICTURES came from gals who have Instagram (Yaris, Maliah, Sultry Simone, etc). THEY ALL POST THEIR PICS ON INSTAGRAM. Always have. They are iPhone users... All of them. Most video 'models', vixens, urban models or whatever you want to call them do. We didn't make this shit rachet. It already was.

*Can you read? I said some......Not all....some. Every person of color who owns an iPhone isn't like that. The VAST MAJORITY OF YOU ARE THOUGH...

** Like they can stay in business waiting on YOU to frequent their establishment...lmao As if. Trust me, they like your business but they weren't AIMING FOR YOU. You are icing on the cake baby! Believe that. When your fleeting tastes move on to the 'next big thing', they will be just fine.


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