

He impressed me last night...

That was a historic moment last night. Barack filling a football stadium, speaking not only to them but a packed Times Square, some other locations and the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people who watched on TV.

I hear a lot of people criticizing him (read: his detractors) for attacking the Repubs and playing ball like they do. I say it is about time. If he were lying, I would take an issue with it but what he said was true.

I also am not sure where (or how) the lil bit about this campaign being more about 'him' than the people came from. His whole point has been 'THE PEOPLE' could vote who they wanted and the people are tired of the old regime. Not just him by himself. He answered a call. We called for him. Maybe not all of his supporters in the beginning but those that saw him speak in 04' called out for him LOUDLY to be the one to be the one to lead that change. Every movement has a voice or a face but it is NEVER supposed to be about that face or voice. Every time he speaks he carries 'the people's' message with him in EVERY FORMAT. He speaks to those that he is trying to help.

I am also a little sick of hearing about how his ability to speak or motivate is a 'HINDERANCE' or some sh#t. People are beginning to sound like they do when a rapper/musician becomes popular over their favorite rapper/musician. They begin to try to use their appeal against them. It is not his fault he is a 'motivator' no more than it is that it isn't a Young Jeezy or Jay-Z's fault that they can motivate the people who believe in what they say. The man can speak. That is a GOOD THING. While things are in transition, which they will be in a state of flux for a minute while his programs get rolling, we will need that inspiration to keep our eyes on the big picture. Change. We need that. It is proven. We need the change but we also need our spirits kept up while change is happening.

Now are his politics/promises without flaw? Nope. Any idiot that believes that his followers are idiotic enough to believe that solely 'cause they support him are TEN TIMES THE IDIOT they believe his followers are. We aren't stupid. We know that even if he gets 8 years, he can't fix things that have been decades in the making (or ruining). That takes time. We just want to get off to a good start. That's all we want right now. I want to be well on it's way when my kids get older. @ change.

How did I know that the Repubs were going to the young lady in Alaska? @ the VP choice. There goes their 'experience' argument. Yeah...yeah..yeah..she is not running for President but she would be next in line. Then what? Oh yeah, McCain's experience can counter her inexperience. And Biden can do that for Barack. It's a draw and no longer an advantage. Sorry. None of them have been President so it is a new experience for all involved last time I checked. I see 'em trying to get a 'looker' in the office too. Don't think that wasn't factored in. If all else falls, sex appeal sells in this country and cats have been known to think with their dicks more often than their top heads. I can see that happening.

This broad thinks she is going to change McCain's mind. Peep this...

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