


Normally on Martin Luther King Jr. day, I write something along the lines of giving thanks but STILL HOPING for that one sign that says his efforts were not in vain. That ONE HUGE SIGN. Today is different though. You know it and I know it. Oh now there have been plenty of other signs of progress. We can now use the public restrooms. Drink at the public fountain. Go just about anywhere we want to sans little pockets here and there in the South. Hold some important positions at work, in sports and even in government. Today however, we can DEFINITELY say that we have something that resembles at least, using a playing cards analogy, the Little Joker. You know his name. I don't have to say it. You know what he is about to do. The WHOLE WORLD knows what he is about to do. We can actually say that TODAY, the 'Dream' is no longer just some speech (as some view it. Not YOURS TRULY). This is why the man has a DAY IN HIS HONOR. He knew of what he spoke. This is proof of that.

Now now now, NOBODY IS SAYING that this is it or that WE HAVE WON and there is no need to fight anymore. No. Let's be CLEAR. This is one very important victory in a war that wages on. We must continue to fight in whatever ways that we all have contributed in the fight to combat all the things that were bought up in Dr. King's speech. We must fight even harder now actually because we are at a critical point. We are no longer at the base of the mountain with permission to climb. We are in the 'dead man zone' where we can't be careless and no one but ourselves can help. It is our turn now. We as a people. ALL PEOPLE. We all can't be President you know but we must continue to contribute in our own way. I am not here to tell you what YOUR WAY is. Only you and God know the answer to that one. Whatever that way is though, after celebrating today and the rest of the week, CONTINUE THAT GOOD FIGHT.

This movement is not COLOR SPECIFIC either. In that speech, while he was certainly the 'voice' for a certain segment, he talked about UNITY for all people. Sure there are certain ethnic groups that may identify with the message but we are ALL NEEDED and he was speaking to all of us. Best believe that! So those of you who aren't on board it isn't too late. This isn't a sports team or American Idol. You can still 'get on the bandwagon'. The hotline did not close when the polls did back in November. It is still open for new applicants. If you want change to happen then get out there with us. Ignore those passionate comments that say otherwise because you are needed too. Those of us who want to see TRUE CHANGE know that in order for that to happen former enemies have to become allies.

The 'Dream' has not been realized yet ya'll. It has just become a little more clearer. Celebrate with all of us today and all the rest of the week but PLEASE DON'T FORGET THE WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. Stop all the whining, complaining and back biting on all sides and FOCUS on what is really important. It is time to keep pushing.

I won't tell you how to spend your day either. That's not my place. Just know that today is TRULY A SPECIAL DAY no matter what side of the fence you sit on.

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