

Stephon is free, Twittering and BHO's first address.

Looks like they finally let Mr. Marbury free. 'Bout time. Not that he is some angel or the BEST BASKETBALL PLAYER on the planet. No. It is more about the fact that they Knicks KNEW that they were not going to play him in the summer time and should have been WAY more proactive about getting rid of him. I have watched reporter after reporter slam Steph for not wanting to come into the game after the KNICKS MADE IT CLEAR THEY DIDN'T WANT HIM. Given the kind of leverage that Steph had with his contract structure and a strong Union backing, MANY OF YOU WOULD DO THE SAME THING HE DID. Only you probably can't because your job's contract isn't written like his. I know I would have if my situation allowed it. Anyway, the best to Steph as he suits up in Green...I mean as he finds another team that will utilize his talents.

Twitter. I guess I should be thankful I don't have my BB Storm yet, as it would suffer from a drained battery due to TWITTER. I can see it now. Twittering away from the road about randumb stuff that on a good day no one would want to hear but in this day has become almost essential. I even see stars doing it in real time. Solange was twittering from the same party that my boys were at during the Presidential Inauguration. Same events. Same lil stories. Will they even NEED the press at some point? @ the celebs. I fought the urge forever but JUST LIKE THIS BLOG THING, I too am now a proud member of the 'cult'. lol It is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Right now, my list consists of people that I like and mostly of people from OKP but soon, I hope to tweet with others that I don't KNOW from there too. Not sure if I wanna do it with family members though. Facebook is enough for me right now on that front.

I will be brief about Obama. I liked the address. I will stress ONE THING though. The same thing that I did when I said I would support him. He is a politician. Meaning? He can A. Only do but so much. We have to do our part. and B. In order for him to stay in power and utilize said power, he is going to have to do shit that we don't like. A lot. I never lost sight of that. Did you? Hope not. So when the 'critics' point out flaws in the plan, I am not mad. I see them too. I don't like them too sometimes. Doesn't mean I am going to rake him over the coals. Even when Bush was in office I didn't go at him TOO HARD. It is the hardest job in the WORLD in my opinion so there is some leeway. Not too much though. Not even for BHO. At least not from me. I also wasn't expecting this dramatic change in the first 100. The mess that needs to be cleaned will take time to clean and honestly, it probably WON'T GET DONE while he is in office. To quote Clifford Harris- I am only striking the match. Someone else will have to keep the fire going. (He stole that from an old head. My granny used to say that.) That is what this is like to me. He can change some policies and the like but it will take time.

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