

Something else I wrote somewhere else..

Only this time the unedited version. (For those of you who have seen this, IT REALLY WAS AIMED AT SOME PEOPLE and I was trying to be nice. I probably won't be here.)

I love helping people. I really really really do. If I have info to give , I share it with everyone. I even do it sometimes to a fault. What I don't do ,on purpose anyway, is over step my bounds. I put the info out there and allow people to do with it what they will. You can't force information on people and sometimes, you are not telling someone something that they don't already know. Now if they ask you, BY ALL MEANS, give it to with both barrels. But if they don't and it is causing a problem, it is best to just let it be.

All you can do is put the information out there. The rest is up to the people you put it to do with it what they please.

Kinda like I am doing with this note.

Let's see what is done with the information I have put in this note. 'Cause there is a MESSAGE in it for someone. Several someones actually. But it isn't my place 'to come to you and say it' straight out and I am going to FOLLOW MY OWN RULES. That is someone else's job to do. I am only in it 'cause I heard about it. Understand this isn't the first time I heard this shit either or had to come at you about this personally. Remember?

Let me tell you what the hell it is YOU CAN'T DO though. You can't go running around like a pack of wolves, trying to reform the opposite sex with your 'truths'. This ain't no Tyler Perry movie. Some damm Zane book. Fuck you think this is? Furthermore, what KINDA REACTION DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GONNA GET running up on people in the streets about their relationship? Huh? A good one? A "Oh yeah you are rightt!"? Yeah okay. Your whole approach is wrong. Period. More flies with honey people. More flies with honey. Fucks you keep setting the vinegar out for? You see it ain't working don't you? Come on man.

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