

(Words) Lane Kiflin, Pumping gas, Chris Brown and Rihanna and other musings...

So back in the days as Al Davis's whipping boy, EVERYONE FELT SO SORRY FOR POOR LANE KIFFIN. Now in his present position, ole Lane is making Al look like he might have been on to something.

Now, I have used the statement that Lane used (allegedly) about 'pumping gas' myself to motivate those around me. So the statement itself is not really that big of a deal to me. You don't make the right decision and yes, you just might end up doing nothing more than 'pumping gas in the middle of nowhere' or the other ole cliche' 'flipping burgers'. No problem. But what YOU CAN'T DO AS A PERSON IN LANE'S POSITION is, attach names of institutions to the statement or say it to a recruit. Maybe after they get into your 'fold' you can pop trash but not then. Not like he did. To boot, he said it to a program whose coach WILL REMEMBER that and use it as bulletin board material. Lane better hope that not ONE OF HIS KIDS EVER ENDS UP PUMPING GAS after leaving his programs (he will get fired/let go/whatever just like in Oakland at some point. They all do) He will NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT. lol

Free Tory Holt! You let Orlando Pace go. Go ahead and release Tory too.

Now it is a 'teaching moment.'?* Here we go again putting undue pressure on two people who still need help. It is a 'helping moment' for them. Are we going to help them? Well HARPO? I mean, I imagine that at some point, when this all blows over, they will come on the show. At least I hope so. I can only hope that it is an 'even' show. That's all that I ask.

Another 'let's get drunk and claim pride in something we really know nothing about' day coming up. Can't wait for the pictures. Personally, I plan on staying off of the road that day.

*It being 'Chris Brown and Rihanna's domestic violence situation btw.....

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