

Shizz Nitty- Rep Your Set, Why DE is in Hip Hop more than you think...

I know if you live in a big area like NYC, Det, Miami, LA, the Chi, or hell even Philly, you may not know that hip hop even EXISTS IN DELAWARE. You are wrong. Dead wrong. This will be where I will start to expose it some but TRUST ME, some of the names in hip hop you hear hollar'd on records are of people RIGHT FROM HERE. One of the most POPULAR HIP HOP WEBSITES OUT that you visit? That was started FROM THE GROUND UP by people from here. Hip Hop is alive and well here. Some of those writers you see covering events like the Hip Hop Summit on MTV? They are FROM RIGHT IN DELAWARE. (If you are my Facebook friend or if you knew me from school YOU KNOW THIS ALREADY THOUGH, don't you? It has started to make more SENSE hasn't it? @ my knowledge and love of music huh?) So before you 'dismiss it' you need to know that. Please understand that. The back story to this is SO INTERESTING that I don't even know if I wanna even reveal it here. One day, that story will be told by all of those cats involved. It was due to these people that someone like the aforementioned artists like a Shizz Nitty has the 'nerve' to think he could make a record, get it on the radio and get his career jumping like he has. If they can do it, why not him?

Why do I sound a lil 'agitated'? 'Cause I just don't see a lot of you commenting on it or skipping over it like this ni...dude is not real or like I am only putting him here for some other reasons. Not the case man. I know PLENTY OF ARTISTS from here and other places. They might never make it on THESE PAGES until they give me a good reason to with THEIR TALENT. You saw the post on Jadin. He is not known. But he has TALENT. The boy boys from the DMV...You saw that post on them? Talented. Or like the artists that I feature in my media players below that provide the sound drop for this blog. Talented but relatively unknown except maybe in their area. I am a lot like some of you. I like to hear new people and watch their talent blossom. This kid is just like those people that I mentioned up top. Severely underrated and deserving of some shine. So he is getting it. Unlike you THOUGH, I am not mad at those that have made it on a mainstream level. I don't have to do this at their expense.

Back to the regularly scheduled program though. Sorry for the rant. Lets look at some of this footage though...Behind the scenes of the 'Rep Your Set' vid by the boy Shizz Nitty.

This is footage from the Drake/Young Jeezy concert I went to from....

....High DEPinition. He is behind the camera..Just recently been made aware of him..Don't worry, I will am in talks now to sit down with the man so you can see the man behind some of this visual footage you are seeing and get some things in HIS WORDS. Post on him solely coming soon....With more things that he has shot.

Shout out to Gimel (Young Guru) on a bigger level. @ the aforementioned 'hollar'd on records'..Lets take a peek at the man behind boards. All you young engineers/producers/those in the game PAY ATTENTION TO THIS VIDEO PLEASE. He is spitting real knowledge in this video. Some of you need to reach out to him 'cause he is the type of person who would help you in a heartbeat if you are about helping yourself.

(Video courtesy of Imperial Film Works Production)

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