

Jassabella Thomas aspiring (hell she does it) model.

You probably don't know who this person is. Which is fine. I do. So will tell you all about my friend from PA.

She is a plus sized model (who is shrinking on me as we speak.) She has PLENTY OF PICS up at her site of her MODELING during her weight loss HERE. She is pulling this from the muscle too. No help. Her hard work. No one put her on. No one told her to do it. She just up and decided that this is what she wanted and got it popping. On her own.

Right now, she is currently entered in a contest for and has made their Top 10 for the contest! You can go to their site and read about the search and all that it entails. Some quick facts though. The contest started with 4000 contestants and is not just based on voting. Long story short, she has come a LONG WAY and I am proud of her. Just thought I would show her a lil love at my spot. (Shout out to her HUSBAND Justin TOO! I know you are proud fam..) When I first got to know her, she wasn't sure if she was even going to model. It is good to see her get out there!

You can hear a lil bit from her right here.

If this is something that you like to get involved in (there are a lot more women that fall through here than you think and if you like woman as a male this is a no brainer too.), go here and get to voting:

I support my people. Do you?

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