

Rosa Acosta...On Angela Yee, in pictures and well everywhere.

I would HOPE that you are looking at my site on your mobile device/a REALLY SAFE PLACE at your job/at home/or somewhere that you might not get into too much trouble. Why? for situations just like this...

Even still, I am going to try to put up the TAMEST pics of Rosa's new flicks I can find. If you know anything about this Dominican gal it is that she doesn't take 'tame' pics. So...............Yeah if you click on the LINK, you do so at your own risk. Don't go blaming me. (No, she is not nude, I WOULD TELL YOU THAT, but she isn't really 'clothed' either.)

I am sure many of you remember her from this post with the 'now deleted' (Don't click if you wanna see the vids. They are GONE!) vids...

Allow me to reintroduce that video to you...With a working link..

Ghostface, Angela Yee and Rosa BUGGIN THE F#CK OUT!!! Seriously buggin' out. Don't listen to this at work

And one more vid from Angela Yee.

Someone who follows my blog via Facebook asked if her body was 'real'. She kinda answers the question in this video for you...

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