

Twitter Person of the Week- @DomBrady

Another one of my friends from Twitter that I know from another place (?uest, you gonna have to start paying me if I keep mentioning the site brah, just saying...JOKES!!), Dombrady or FIREBRAND as I call him, is one of those well rounded people that you can kick it with about anything.

Wanna talk sports? He can do it. Passionate about his football. Especially SEC football but ANY FOOTBALL will garner outstanding dialogue out of him.

Polltics? Bring your lunch and all your resources. You won't just be able to 'blow your theories' his way and have your way with him. He knows his shit.

Music? C'mon now, he is s friend of MINE. You REALLY THINK that is even a question? Covered. Does that well too.

He is not just limited to these topics though and is a very good Tweeter.

Here are some of the ways to get at him:


Blog: This has links to his podcasts too? Did I mention he does podcasts? Well, he does do them. Well!

Hit him up..I don't think that you will be disappointed.

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