

While he is not perfect...Barack Obama

Lets go over some of the things that he has 'done' while in Office shall we? 'Cause you know the first thing that everyone likes to scream who opposes him is..."Well, what HAS HE DONE?" (Translation: He hasn't done that ONE (OR TWO) THINGS I would like done so he pretty much hasn't done squat...)

Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners

Create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners refinance or sell their homes. "The Fund will not help speculators, people who bought vacation homes or people who falsely represented their incomes."

What a difference a year makes. In 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama talked about a plan to help homeowners with subprime mortgages refinance loans or sell their homes. About $10 billion should suffice, he said at the time.

The months went by, the economy worsened, and Obama won the election. On Feb. 18, 2009, President Obama unveiled his plan. Price tag: $75 billion.

By providing incentives to both lenders and borrowers, the plan allows some homeowners to refinance loans. It excludes investors, speculators, people who fraudulently obtained loans, and people who purchased homes so beyond their means that even refinancing won't help them.

"The plan I’m announcing focuses on rescuing families who have played by the rules and acted responsibly," Obama said. "It will give millions of families resigned to financial ruin a chance to rebuild. It will prevent the worst consequences of this crisis from wreaking even greater havoc on the economy. And by bringing down the foreclosure rate, it will help to shore up housing prices for everyone."

The plan may end up more expensive than $75 billion because it also provides a guarantee of up to $200 billion in capital for federal mortgage holders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That guarantee may or may not be necessary, said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

A few parts of Obama's overall plan require approval from Congress, but most of the money comes from the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP, that Congress approved in 2008, Geithner said.

By putting $75 billion toward the program, Obama exceeded the terms of his campaign promise. Promise Kept.

Establish a credit card bill of rights

The credit card bill of rights would "ban unilateral changes ... apply interest rate increases only to future debt ... prohibit interest on fees ... prohibit 'universal defaults' (whereby a credit card raises its rates because the consumer was late paying a different creditor ... require prompt and fair crediting of cardholder payments."

On the campaign trail, President Barack Obama promised to clean up the credit card industry by establishing a consumers bill of rights. No more "any time, any reason" rate increases, no more confusing contracts, he said.

Once in office, Obama wasted little time weaving that promise into speeches and town hall meetings, saying that "it’s time for reform that is built on transparency, accountability, and mutual responsibility — values fundamental to the new foundation we seek to build for our economy." On April 23, 2009, he told credit card company executives that he was supporting the consumer credit card bill of rights already inching its way through Congress.

The bill passed and Obama signed it on May 22, 2009, despite worries from the banking industry that it would reduce credit availability during the economic crisis. In large part, the law fulfills Obama's campaign pledge: It prevents creditors from imposing arbitrary rate increases on customers, it prohibits most rate increases meant to penalize consumers for late payments on unrelated accounts, and it requires companies to post credit agreements on the Internet, among other things.

The bill falls short when it comes to a prohibition of interest on the fees card companies charge consumers if they go over their credit limit or fail to pay their bills on time. But this omission is not considered significant by consumer advocates. They say the measure goes a long way in reforming the credit industry. For example, most people pay more than their minimum payment every month. That extra cash will now go toward paying down card balances associated with the line of credit, said Lauren Saunders who works for the National Consumer Law Center.

Another example: The new law prevents companies from raising interest rates on existing balances unless the bill goes unpaid for more than 60 days.

Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women

"This advisor will ensure that his agenda is coordinated across federal agencies and fully addresses prevention, programs, and the legal aspects of gender based violence."

President Barack Obama named Lynn Rosenthal to be his adviser on violence against women.

Vice President Joe Biden announced the pick on June 26, 2009. As a U.S. senator, Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act of 1994.

Rosenthal most recently served as the executive director of the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She was also the executive director from 2000 to 2006 of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.

The White House said Rosenthal's duties would include advising the president and vice president on domestic violence and sexual assault issues; serving as a liaison to groups representing victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; coordinating with the Justice Department's Office of Violence Against Women on implementation of Violence Against Women Act programs; coordinating with the Department of Health and Human Services on implementation of Family Violence Prevention Act services such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline; coordinating with the State Department and USAID on global domestic violence initiatives; and driving the development of new initiatives and policy aimed at combating domestic violence and sexual assault.

There are MANY MANY MANY more here:

While I am sure that some of the promises were kept in a way that may not be 'agreeable' to everyone, the point is, they were kept. I am sure that some of you more politically savvy people will pick these apart like a buzzard does its prey but lest I REMIND YOU he inherited (as does every President) these issues. He will not be able to fix them all in their totality. I know it. You know it. So lets not act like all of the sudden he is Jesus Christ himself. No one over here said that. That's ya'll saying that when things go bad or not his way. smh.

Oh and congratulations Mr. President on the Peace Prize. What? Ya'll don't like that either? Cool. Just curious though, WHO DID YOU HAVE WINNING IT? How about winning it last year? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WITHOUT GOOGLING IT WHO WON LAST YEAR? Yeah...that's what the hell I thought...

Back to the asse....I mean the music and..Oh hell, you KNOW WHAT I MEAN. As you were..

1 comment:

  1. I already put in my $.02 over on one of your FB statuses, but these people know everything wasn't going to be fixed in total at once. If they thought so, then they really don't know how politics works.

    And I am happy he won the Nobel Peace Prize...those folks out there hating surely were not going to get one.
