

Haiti- So you HAD KNOWLEDGE that it is messed up? You want a cookie?

A Scooby Snack? See, while I definitely AGREE that knowledge is power, being drunk with said power is just as self defeating to me..

(In DMX'S VOICE) Here we go again......

I think we ALL pretty much know what happened in Haiti by now. So I won't be showing images of things. Not too many reports on who said what (I see you Rush and Pat. At least you idiots are consistent) and all of that jazz. Hell, I won't even be putting up places where you can go to donate and stuff like that. These are all pretty well documented things and angles of this story that are WELL covered and that I quite frankly, don't want to cover. Or I would have been doing it when I heard about that evening.

What I want to talk about is the pompous attitudes that always seem to show their ass when a tragedy strikes.

"Oh NOW you care about...."

"I have BEEN known it was fucked up over there..."

or my personal favorite..

"Don't act like you care about them now, you didn't yesterday..."

Oh REALLY??? For the last two days, this underlying sentiment has been shoved in my face via the media, Facebook, Twitter and the like. The only place I don't see it is in ...wait for it...FACE TO FACE CONTACT. Wonder why that is? Oh I KNOW....It is because 9/10 the people kicking that shit aren't doing shit EITHER. @ helping with the plight of the people in Haiti (or any other place that is under severe duress). Which brings me to today's post.

HOW THE FUCK you gonna call somebody out on 'not knowing about something', not caring about it the day before, and not doing anything about it when the last time you did something was.....NEVER? Or when you were in college and around your socially correct friends? Or when you were 5 and your mother took you on that tour to said country and MADE your lil crying ass hand out food? Or whenever it was (which wasn't last week, the week before that or the year before THAT!) that YOU personally did something? Huh? Shut the entire fuck up. Here we go with this high school shit again..@ the attitudes. Shameful. People out here trying to help and you got the bitter beer face on? Really?

Warning- I am about to hurt some of ya'lls feelings, if I haven't already. If you think I am talking about you there is a GREAT CHANCE THAT I AM. I am not mincing words nor do I think you are the scum of the Earth. But I do stand by what I say. That 'pompous' attitude you have can kick rocks fam. For real...

On not knowing...

Look, some of us were VERY FORTUNATE that we either had parents that cared, we had a DRIVE OR NEED FOR KNOWLEDGE or we knew someone that went through some things and thus we got to learn about something that we were THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of miles removed from. In the case of this tragedy, I feel like the last one is the ONLY reason why some of you even KNOW what the hell happened in Haiti. It isn't like we spent time learning about it in school extensively. We did not. If you live in an area where you were exposed to them, you PROBABLY DO AND SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THEIR PLIGHT! Hello motherfucker, you LIVED AMONGST THEM. I would HOPE that you would take the time to listen to them tell you exactly WHY they are even here in this country (and others around the World). There are VERY few of you out there who did the middle option and if you did, I have to challenge you on JUST WHAT IT IS YOU HAVE DONE LATELY for those over there struggling? If the answer is nothing, SHUT YOUR DAMM MOUTH about those that do care NOW and step to the side and let 'a live n#gga' handle that. @ those that want to help. Stop dissing them and celebrating in the fact that you knew something others didn't. You are doing the people that you 'care about so much that you sought out to do your research' a GREAT DISSERVICE by discouraging help simply because it came out of a catastrophe. They can ill afford to take your pompous attitude towards things at this point partly because they need and partly because WHILE you knew of their plight, you didn't do jack shit to help beforehand. So shut your non productive, long winded, knowledge pleasure seeking ass down somewhere. YOU ARE NOT HELPING THEIR CAUSE. In addition, if you DID KNOW, why the hell didn't you keep speaking up about it? I haven't heard you say SHIT about them since I have known you. Not ONE WORD. Yes, I am talking to YOU. And you too! Don't feed me that shit 'cause 'know more about the situation than most' that entitles you look down on others garbage either. That is hot shit on a stick and you know it! Stop acting childish (wom)man!

On not caring...

For most of the people that fall into this category, it is a simple lack of knowledge. You know that. If they knew, they would care. They didn't KNOW. There is plenty of shit that YOU DIDN'T KNOW Mr./Ms I 'know all' that once you found out, you JUMPED RIGHT IN and set out to change. Why are these people any different? Oh that's right...YOU KNEW ABOUT IT so you are better than them. That's why. Fuck outta here. Now some people DON'T have a heart and could give a shit about what happened down there. Wouldn't do so much at pray about it, never mind lend any support in ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Won't let people take that extra 10 minutes off of lunch so that they can run down and give their five dollars to the cause. Turn the channel when it comes on. Not educate their kids on it so that they can show good stewardship. Etc, etc, etc...THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU NEED TO BE DISSING. Not the ones that have decided that NOW is the time for them to help. Even IF their motives aren't 'legit',if the money, time and effort GOES to those people it doesn't matter that they are doing it to make themselves feel good. That is their cross to bear. Not yours. smh

On not doing anything about it...

This one is REALLY SIMPLE. Some people CANNOT do anything about it! Not in the sense that you are speaking of. They can't send money. They can't send food. They don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of THEMSELVES! They have their own struggles. Their own plights. What that DOESN'T MEAN THOUGH is that they care any less about those people. They are just not in the position to do much of anything that would 'show up on the books'. So they do what they can. They spread knowledge. They pray. They make their contributions in other ways. Look Mr./Mrs. Big Baller, we know YOU have it like that. Fine. Spend that cash and make up for that pompous attitude you have. (I am STRICTLY talking about those that make donations and then get on people for NOT DOING SO knowing that they can't.) So why are you asking 'me' to do so up top then Mr. Blogger (Carolinaware to you)? I am not the one with the 'I know it all and everyone else isn't shit." attitude so I don't need to. Even when I do stuff, I just do it and that is it. I may ask others to do but I certainly don't clown them for not knowing, not showing or not giving.

I say all of this to say this. Look, I am proud of those of you who DO KNOW their plight. I am proud of you that do donate time and money. Those that pray for those in times of need. I am not proud of the pompous self righteous attitudes that sometimes permeates people's spirit when these things are done. This is to me is just as ugly as the atrocities that were committed to put Haiti in the position that it was in prior to the Earthquake. Oh and by the way, while there were some things devastating things done to that country, NO ONE made that Earthquake HAPPEN. Lets not lose sight of that. While some of you have WAY TOO MUCH FAITH in man's ability to 'stop'/limit the destruction of nature, it WAS 7.0 with 5.9 aftershocks. twenty eight of them. I am no Indiana Jones but I do know that it is no small quake. Some of you are just looking to increase your agenda instead of helping too. @ the blame game you are playing. It DID happen. Not saying that. But if it happened here (It will one day. Believe that!) some MAJOR destruction would occur. Even with our 'best' advances put into play. Would we lose as much life? I don't know. Neither do you though so we are You can only speculate that we wouldn't. We have major cities with populations on top of each of other. Don't think that it can't happen here AUTOMATICALLY is all I am saying. A plane brought down two buildings. I know you remember that one. We are talking about the EARTH MOVING underneath shit. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. Please remember that.

Why haven't I taken those to task who truly don't care about the tragedy itself and don' want to hear about it?

A. That's too easy.
B. You guys have done it for me in a sense. That fight is being fought. Well, might I add.
C. I actually did. On Twitter. Yesterday morning. Not rehashing that fight again.

I hold no malice towards them though. I rather like knowing who wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire to save my life if I really needed it. There aren't that many that would anyway so I have to write down their names quickly. The list is long. @ those that don't care for others. What I don't want is for those that DO CARE (or are at least acting like it) to not get discouraged by this undercurrent of bad attitudes that I see pop up every time something happens. That's all. So I am addressing it. It is something that undermines us as a people EVERY TIME it seems and that is WHY PEOPLE JUST SAY 'Fuck it..I don't care..'. Getting ridiculed for caring is one of the World's worst kept secrets yet one of its least talked about. It is ESPECIALLY prominent in communities that are one step removed from situations like the one Haiti is constantly struggling with. (There was a hint in there. Take it.) That needs to be changed. Can you guys FOCUS on that? Please.


Aight, I am done. For now. A lot of you will probably not speak to me after this so I will say it has been real. Nice knowing you. If you never did speak before but were just hanging around to see what I am about, this is what you get.

"You gotta love me or leave me alone..."- Brand Nubian.

(PS: There WILL be typos in this one for awhile due to the fact that I have other things that need to be taken care of. As I catch 'em, I will correct them. Feel free to judge away in the mean time. I mean, that is what you do best right? lol. Just don't miss the point of the message though. That is all that I ask.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the passion in this post - and you're spot on. Even if the island is not always in our consciousness, to do nothing now that destruction has happened is poor form.
