

"We have had no 'domestic attacks under George Bush'- Rudy Giuliani

OH REALLY RUDY? Did you forget who was in office when them planes hit? You said that really EMPHATICALLY TOO. With a chuckle and all of that. I know what you were trying to imply. That GWB didn't do EVERYTHING WRONG. Cool. He did not. We all know that. You need to 'Curb Your Enthusiasm" though. What EXACTLY would you call 9/11? That happened HERE while your boy (Hey, I didn't vote for the dude so yes 'your boy'!)was in office. smh No anthrax attacks either huh? That shoe bomber that got arrested in Boston that didn't happen under Bush either huh? FOH dawg...

Oh and the cat sitting next to him (What? I gotta holla his name too?- DMX) is equally to blame for not correcting him. Nodding his head in agreement on some 'Yeah! You are right.." Look, I know he did his thing while the attacks were happening and he will FOREVER be revered for that but lets not act like he sent in a request for the attack to happen or that there was a forewarning and he stepped up to the plate and said "Here, attack my city..". That's not how it went down. They chose it, attacked it and he did what he was supposed to in the face of danger. That doesn't give him the right to lie about how it went down or whose watch it was on. You CAN CORRECT HIM if he is @ the cat sitting next to him. I am not even saying it is GWB's FAULT we got attacked but that is what he is implying by saying that 'We have had a domestic attack on his watch...".

What am I talking about you ask?

"We have had no 'domestic attacks under George Bush'. We have had one under Obama...."- Rudy Giuliani

Watch the video.

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So glad that you approve of him saying the words "War on Terror". We wouldn't want you to not approve of his choice of words now would we?

I see I am not the only who caught this major slip

You THOUGHT I WENT IN? Sheit....Read this here..(Graph courtesy of article/link below)


  1. Obviously, ol' Rudy is getting can he forget 9/11 when it made him who he is today? I mean, he was right there. Maybe he forgot who the president was on that day...

  2. Not only is it an embarassment that Rudy would make such a ludicrous statement, I'm floored more folks haven't blasted him for it. Rudy, you were a one trick pony thru out the presidential run and now that horse has died. Go back to your hole!
