

(Pictures/Videos) Andreas Soares.....

At this point, this post is SO old that if you are coming here for it, you already KNOW WHO SHE IS. You just want more pics and vids. So here you go....

I hate the way we play that 'love/hate' game with sexuality in the USA. I think if we didn't do it and embraced, it would better. Kind of like they do here....Before you sight sexy ads or the one or two cities that we have here that exude 'sexy', let me remind you that we are really not that 'sexually' accepting here. We just aren't. We do a lot of borderline shit and some things that quite frankly are disgusting. @ the 'little girl fantasy' shit. Yet, when something like this comes along, we are 'appalled'. It is considered disgusting. We talk about having a problem with women and body issues. With girls starving themselves and so and so forth. Embracing someone who you can see is not 'air brush'* perfect wouldn't be such a bad thing to me. (Yes, I realize that most gals in her country have 'enhancements'. Not talking about them. Talking about her! You can see her flaws. Peep the pics below.) I know...I weren't expecting me to have an actual 'message'. :) My bad. Can't help it. My spot. My rules. My time. I would just like to see the image of an woman who is not stick thin relatively accepted in all settings/scenarios. Right now, even amongst my own community, it is not. Everyone says they want XYZ, but the image of XYZ brings along things that most aren't ready for. Thus, what most people claim they want does not match up with what they have, if you dig what I am saying. (Shots fired! Man down..) Since they can't handle it, stigmas, labels and the other shit come into play showing people's insecurities all over. Oh wait, I am getting too deep..Another time perhaps....

Here is Andreas Soares explaining her name and a little more. Click the link to see the rest of the article...

"The only person who loves Andressa Soares’s butt more than Brazil’s sun-soaked masses and us is Andressa Soares. She’s really into it. And for good reason: Her ass has catapulted the charming Rio-born girl from bit parts in music videos into the pop-star spotlight as the overendowed Watermelon Woman. Devoted fans now flock to her concerts, paparazzi stalk her every move, and crazed men and woman paw at her whenever they are able. In case you’re wondering why all the fuss in a country with thousands upon thousands of similarly impressive posteriors: Watermelon Woman’s ass measures a formidable 46 inches around and she can’t stop shaking it, even when she tries to.

Vice: Oi, querida! Please tell us who you are.

Watermelon Woman: My name is Andressa Soares, better known as Mulher Melancia: Watermelon Woman.

How’d you get such an excellent name, and what does it mean?

I was a radio broadcaster, and one day the station posted a picture of me online. Once people saw it they started commenting: “Wow, her bumbum looks like a watermelon! It is really big!” They started teasing me.

Example of her 'imperfections'. Which is why I dig her.

Case in point of others with the name 'Muhler'..Muhler Jaca

Some other 'mulher' related videos....

I'mma be NICE and come back and revisit this subject in the future..Enjoy it in the meantime though.

1 comment:

  1. Corrected. No shine though because of the 'last little bit of the comment'. I took it that you felt some kinda way. Not here for all of that..
