

Rrrhuhh- Scooby Doo @ Gilbert and Javaris pulling GUNS on each other??

Okay, now I understand that on a certain level, there is a respect factor. You make a bet. You gotta pay. Cool. Multimillionaires doing that shit though? Personally? Naw b. Ya'll fucking up. Sorry. Of course, there is denial on the incident but it is MORE THAN A LOGICAL explanation as to why Gilbert had that gun on him in the locker room now. smh. I am sure Jarvaris hit him with a couple of low blows about 'Shaq' too and next thing you know.....Guns are drawn. C'mon ya'll. Your team changed names LONG TIME AGO. You are not the Bullets anymore. No longer do you have to live up to that rep.

Link here...

NEW YORK -- Washington Wizards teammates Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton drew guns on each other during a Christmas Eve locker room argument over a gambling debt, according to The New York Post.

Last week, the Wizards and Arenas acknowledged that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker, and the NBA said it was looking into the situation.

It was during that investigation that a confrontation between Arenas and Crittenton was revealed, according to a Yahoo! Sports report.

The dispute stemmed from an unspecified disagreement, sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Citing an anonymous source, the newspaper reported in Friday's edition, however, that the standoff was sparked when Crittenton became angry at Arenas for refusing to make good on a gambling debt.

That prompted Arenas to draw on Crittenton, who then also grabbed for a gun, league security sources tell the Post.

Asked by the Post about the confrontation, Arenas denied pulling a gun on Crittenton.

"This is unprecedented in the history of sports," Billy Hunter, executive director of the Player's Association, told the Post. "I've never heard of players pulling guns on each other in a locker room."

The Wizards said on the night of Dec. 24 that Arenas had stored unloaded firearms in a container in his locker at the arena and that the NBA was looking into the situation.

On Tuesday, Washington, D.C. police said they were investigating a report that weapons were found inside a locker room at the Verizon Center.

Now, the federal government is also involved. Ben Friedman, a spokesman for the US Attorney's Office in DC, told the Post "we're working with the Metropolitan Police Department on the investigation."

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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