

Warren Sapp...update...sorta...

My Internet World just got smaller today. Here is why. I just learned about who else was SUPPOSED TO BE involved in the case. I mean with the number of hits on her here all of the sudden, it makes MUCH MORE SENSE. I am hoping against hope that it wasn't her though......

(Turns the camera towards GEM) Hold your head GEM. Sincerely. Hope you are okay. I saw you came through earlier as well as your people.

(Turns to the rest of you out there.)

I am really only addressing this 'cause people are coming here looking for pics of her and I couldn't figure out WHY! Now I know why. I can't get mad at that but I am still sensitive to the situation. Just like I wouldn't speculate on it when it broke out even though I was getting info from Miami. I understand. You wanna see what the gal looks like who is ALLEGEDLY involved in the case. I run a regular ole boring blog with my rants. I know cats aren't checking for it like

I don't know shit about what happened down that way other than what I have heard like the rest of you. GEM is a web friend of mine though. So if you have some sorts computer skills, I am sure you can find her on here. I featured her not 'cause I thought this but because she was cool as hell.

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