

You KNOW I'm your father Luke.- Jon Stewart on Barack Obama sonning Eric Cantor-VA

No, sorry, I am not an Eric Cantor fan. Sue me. Around the seven minute mark....

"Let me first start off by saying John, the campaign is over..."- Barack Obama to John McCain

Yeah, he was sonning cats yesterday.

Jon Stewart breaks down the Health Care Summit. If you don't wanna watch all six hours, just watch the highlights...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

Again, if you can spend your time watching mindless bullshit but wanna complain about how shit is, then you can take the time to watch this. Here is the video of the Summit. Yes, I am talking to you if you think I am. Since you think you know every thing. Stop relying on your favorite rapper/actor/sports figures/entertainers for your point of view. Get your own. Or are you gonna wait for Nas/MC Underground to tell you how you should feel?

Part 2 of the Summit in case you missed it...

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