

Harmless kids gathering huh? Philly flash mobs...

I do understand that if 'more were done' by XYZ that maybe...JUST MAYBE..('Cause that is no damm guarantee either) the kids wouldn't do these things. I distinctly remember us HAVING PLACES TO GO and teens still doing shit. Gathering up and doing things.

I am little sick of the excuses people. That is in a excuse. We have no place to go so we should act like an ass. What kind of backwards ass thinking is that? There ya'll go again condoning behavior. Bet you go the fuck over there to China, where they don't have things to do and you see their kids are well behaved. Well over a billion people there and there is nothing like this going on. Why? Because if they did shit like this, they would be disciplined and that is it. No excuses. None of this enabling. Once again, we are coddling people. Coddled people end up as fucked up people. Sorry. Do I think they should be given felonies? Eh....Not sure about putting 'F's" on young kids backs as first time offenders but those that are two and three time fuck ups? Do what you must. For the first time offenders some type of charge might be necessary though. Again, that is the problem. Someone has to be an example. Sorry 'bout your luck or that you thought your lil friend's knowledge of the situation was 'bond'. @ the kids that get caught up in that. The real World is no joke and sometimes people have to learn that early.

What if it were you kid Mr. Blogger?

If it were my kid, I would discipline him/her and I surely wouldn't be BLAMING a city for him/her not having anything to do. Last I checked, it wasn't their job to ensure entertainment for my child AND I am supposed to have my child in check. Now, that may mean that I might have to break some of the same RULES said City/gov/State has but I already resolved that in my head A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO. I can take that. Will take that. Now once they are grown, if they go out and act a fool, they have to deal with the consequences but I would not be tolerating such behavior. Then again, I am not out trying to relive my youth lost by running out the club and such like some of these absentee parents are doing. What does that have to do with it? Well, if you parent your kid to begin with FROM THE BEGINNING, you can lay a foundation that might help them later on in life (like when they are teenagers). You can't just start parenting them when they are 13-18 and expect GREAT RESULTS....

Kids are going to be kids. I DEFINITELY understand that. However, if there are no rules in place with PUNISHMENTS included, as a parent, you lose leverage. If there are consequences, the parent can legitimately say, "Look, if you go out there and flash mob, they are going to lock your ass up. I may not be able to COME GET YOU OUT. All the more reason for you not to do it besides the fact that destroying property and beating up innocent people is wrong." Because that is what is going on. People are getting hurt. They aren't just down there quietly assembling. They are disrupting shit. They have the right in some way to be there but they also have to responsibility to act follow the rules or the right can be revoked.

Anyhow, here is the video. Obviously, it is not all the kids acting an ass but ONE IS TOO MANY. Sorry. It will be all good until someone YOU KNOW or care about GETS HURT.

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