

Okay, so you saw my previous post on SWSW right? seems that they are up on their high horse about their event.

Now if you DON'T know what SWSW is...You can go here for a full on description. I will give you the 'short description' here though.

In their words..

The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conferences & Festivals offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW® is the premier destination for discovery.

It is a LOVELY event. I STILL want to go. This, however, is wrong. I am sure that some sort of 'apologetic' statement will be released to 'soothe' over the public behind this by the organizers. Probably not by the place that issued said statement though. Truthfully, it probably won't hurt them. We won't know unless we make it known though now will we? So here we go.

Now honestly, I didn't know about this event even EXISTING until, wait for it, MTV. Yes, MTV. When they had the Real World in Austin. That was '05. People are STILL just finding out about this event. Lets not act like it is the Grammy's or some shit or like it is known WORLD WIDE on a large scale like say Woodstock. It is not.

You still say 'so'? Look, they agreed to let MTV do that for a reason. They needed exposure. Just like anyone else who agrees to let MTV have footage/access/jobs/etc/etc within their organization in exchange for publicity.

There is ALSO NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. My point is, don't get high on your horse. I am sure that the 'magazine' people that you are letting into your event are BRINGING YOU PUBLICITY LIKE NO OTHER. They were there from the beginning. I get that. Loyalty and all of that. No PROBLEM. You DO need to understand that half the reason that people are coming out to this event AT THIS PARTICULAR spot are doing so through some 'Internet' related way. Probably a blog. Right now, I am talking to people about this who STILL don't know what SXSW is and they are ALL PRETTY MUCH POTENTIAL VISITORS to said event as they love music. Even if I am only talking to TEN (I have way more people coming here than that but lets pretend..) people, that is ten people who can go out and talk about what they are about to read. I think you guys down there know how this works. They tell ten...those people tell ten....Kinda like they did about YOUR EVENT. As everyone so astutely points out, EVERYONE HAS A BLOG NOW so insulting potential customers PROBABLY ISN'T SUCH A HOT IDEA. Especially if they have never heard of your event and this is how they hear about it first. I know it is just one place but I would not be surprised if others felt that way. We will see.

Now, I have stayed away from the 'Bloggers aren't real writers' shit for a minute. I guess now is as good of a time as any though, huh? Look, just like some of those pro athletes you see on the TV screen, often times, writers aren't 'the best at doing what they do'. They made it to where ever they did though so they are what you have to deal with. Some writers ARE GREAT. Some? Not so much. So if your stance on this is for the 'writers' because 'bloggers aren't writers anyway' I am pretty sure you know what I think you can do. I liken it to the pro athlete/musician/celebrity/whatever that you hear in the interviews say the following:

"I am not even the 'best' in my area at this....I remember such and such who..".

That is how I feel about some of these writers. Some are GREAT. Some aren't even the best in their field and they only got four and five chances to be 'decent' because of who their old man was to the either writing or the subject they are covering.

Some writers aren't bloggers and some bloggers aren't writers....Hell, some WRITERS AREN'T WRITERS....

Look, if you have to keep your sponsors happy, FINE. Do that. Just watch whose toes you step on 'cause without people coming to your event, it is going to turn into a 'listening party'.

AUSTIN, Tex. — A sign hung on the stand outside the door at Beerland:

“Once we are at capacity, it will be a one-in/one-out situation. I don’t care how many hits your [naughty language] blog gets a month. [More saltiness] Google analytics. And besides, bloggers aren’t real writers. Sorry, I just don’t respect you.”

Max Meehan, the man at the door and the club’s booker, said the sign is extremely useful. “When people come up and tell me how important their blog is, I can just point to the sign and say, ‘Here, I wrote this for you.’ “

Then again, I am probably not fucking with anything too tough named 'Beerland'. (They have a site. I won't be linking it up. Type in the name and SXSW.....) I have my own theories about how that would turn out and what type of time I would probably have there. Probably a lovely place too. Just not for me. So don't take the post as me sounding angry. I am not. That is thing about being an adult. You can 'disagree' without being angry. I just pointed out some things.

Truthfully, it is the establishment's RIGHT to do as they please and in a state as big as that one (and it being a college town) I am sure they aren't 'hurting' too bad. Just a bunch of unnecessary press though. Or maybe May even draw in MORE ELITIST people who feel the way they do. Who knows. I know 'I' wouldn't run up on anyone using this space to 'get in anywhere' no matter how big it got AT THE DOOR. I wouldn't even do that in my current place of resident and I know MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE ESTABLISHMENTS. That said, I am thinking that common sense would tell a person not to put up a sign like that. That is all. I could see if it were Bill Gates popping that kinda 'We don't respect you.." shit but it isn't. Pride and standards are one thing but this is bad business. Sorry. Unless you guys are doing that well during this economy, which of course by all means, yuck it up. Let all of your feelings known on race, color or gender too since you are being so open with your views on the World. I would love to hear those. Don't clean up and make 'em PC either. Give 'em to us just like you did on the sign. Raw and uncut. I'll wait. I know it will be awhile before you do some shit like that though...

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