

Prince EA feelings on Wacka Flacka's comments

I am not a Wacka Flacka fan. This is the FIRST TIME you have ever even seen me post about the man. He does what he does and he is not for me. Like many artists out there. I am sure it is no skin off of that man's back as he has plenty of fans and he is not AIMING FOR MY DEMOGRAPHIC anyway. He said some things on a show recently that quite honestly, any rapper who doesn't do conscious rap/intelligent rap/or as he put it 'dictionary rap' has said. He won't be the first. He won't be the last.

A certain rapper took offense to it and spoke up. While I see his point....I can't ride with all of what he is saying. Simply because I don't chose to ignore the COMPLETE HISTORY OF HIP HOP like some people like to do. Some people love to do what they see others do with religion. As in, they take the parts of the scriptures that fit 'their argument' and conveniently leave out the other parts of it spoken word. Cats that love one side of hip hop only tend to do this a lot.

The conscious folks wanna forget that this is the music BUSINESS and gloss over that fact like money doesn't mean shit. Yet, they are not 'giving away' their product now are they? (Shout out to those that do. I have posted music VERY RECENTLY FROM SOMEONE WHO DID GIVE HIS MUSIC AWAY) They also want to forget that 'hip hop...started out in the park..'. Last I checked the park was made for fun and that was the premise of the genre. The 'we can use it as a vehicle to push agendas such as intelligent topics and such' came MUCH LATER. White Lines wasn't about 'white people standing in lines', ya dig? The shit is entertainment. You want people to learn? Encourage them to read a book or TO TAKE SOME CLASSES and stop promoting lazy learning via music and entertainment. How about that shit? You don't see those kids in China using entertainment to learn do you? No. They study hard, listen to guidance and do their thing. You ninjas kill me with this 'We must teach people with music' shit. If the content is 'teaching' fine. Bonus. Educating and teaching should not be the FIRST THOUGHT when it comes to music. If we did that, maybe we wouldn't have to worry about the music lyrics 'influencing' the youth. Ever think of that?

The hustlers, business men, spokesperson for the streets types want to forget that THERE is a place for intelligent rap. Where everyone doesn't live in mansions, fuck bitches all day, ride insane rims, don't pay taxes, has infinite knowledge of guns (yet their guns jam & they hit innocent bystanders ALL THE TIME!), the law system (yet stays locked up) and kills anyone who even suggests that they disagree with them. 'Cause that is their world and the rest of the world that lives like that are just squares trying to fit into their round world. This world is not everyone's reality. Which is funny 'cause somehow 'authenticity'/toughness/and a whole bunch of characteristics have TO BE SUDDENLY DEFINED by all this shit I just listed. Disgusting.

See, I DO understand what Mr. Prince EA was trying to say...@ last paragraph. I just think that just like anything else you do, you have to be tolerant and understanding to people's situations and lifestyles. There is a certain air that you can't give off. Like the one given off in this 'reply' he gave. One could even accuse me of it I suppose and that is their right. I just feel like some of what he said was outrageous. He isn't the only one who has spoken up on this issue. The young people want to hear what they want to hear so dissing them by congratulating them for making Wacka popular isn't the answer either. I know. The generation that DID NOT HAVE RAP USED TO DISS MINE ABOUT EVEN LIKING RAP because of the (gasp) cursing and content. This was the 'conscious rap' that Prince is ALLUDING TO IN THE VIDEO. You know 'the good rap'. It IS THE MUSIC BUSINESS so you are dissing him when you speak on his money. Sorry. You can't throw that rock and then say, 'I was only trying to get your attention..'. Doesn't work like that. You felt disrespected so you fired back. Stick to that shit. Don't hide your hands now @ 'I mean no disrespect'. Especially after you turned right BACK AROUND and went in on the man again.

So as a person who has had that done to him over something that he was passionate about, I am a little leery of completely cosigning a video like the one below. Alas, I know that said video is RIGHT UP SOME OF MY ELITIST friends alley/opposes everything that those who do like Wacka Flacka. So here I stand. In the middle. Like usual. Just giving the info.

Just 'cause I agree with the spirit of what someone is saying doesn't mean I agree with WHAT they are saying. Some of you can't do that or give people that benefit of the doubt.



Don't worry, I sent Prince EA my thoughts on Twitter. No response yet. Will update though. Even if he doesn't respond, this will still stand. @ post. Again, I don't listen to EITHER ARTIST. I can say I have at least heard of Wacka and from what I understand, Prince EA is someone I might actually like. So I have no horse in the race other than the sake of fairness.

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