

Valuing people's opinions who don't really care about you anyway..

For some of you, this is gonna be an "Oh there Carolinaware goes again, back on the horse!" moment. If this is that moment for you then I AM TALKING ABOUT YOUR ASS. At least unlike some of those fake ass friends/associates/family members/whatever that you have that I am alluding to, I am doing so OUT IN THE OPEN and you know this is how I feel about you. Understand that I have already put you in category anyway so you need not worry about hurting my feelings by 'falling back'. I fell back from you a long time ago...Or you could look at it another way, I actually care and have the nuts to tell you. You choose which one you want to believe..... I will brief 'up on the horse' 'cause quite frankly this shouldn't take long and it is a nice day out today. Got shit to do.

I have learned throughout my course of life about valuing the opinions of people who don't give a shit about me anyway. I have learned this the hard way at times. Like most of us, there were always one or two people that you look over to and say "I need the respect that they seem to have...." Luckily, I grew out of that at a fairly young age. Unfortunately, most of my peers/friends/wanna be friends/associates/etc have not. They are still looking for value of self through another person's eyes. They still care if someone else sees them in $70 dollar sneakers as opposed to the $150 dollar ones DESPITE the fact that they would be living WAY OUT OF THEIR MEANS to keep up that appearance. They would rather be seen as a 'ladies man' and appear to date tons of girls (not women) than settle down with that one that they keep coming back to anyway. (Same for the ladies) Or one of my other personal favorites, being seen in cars that aren't theirs and passing them off as theirs.

It gets worse though. Some people have taken it a little further. Fighting people in public so that they can establish a 'fear factor' amongst the 'public'. Like most people with common sense haven't figured out that a willingness to fight doesn't mean that you CAN FIGHT. smh Or better still that there are FAR BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH ONE'S TIME then going around picking fights with people.

Some people have turned to a life of 'survival' that they QUITE HONESTLY nobody ever wins OR THAT THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO TURN TO. Yes, the true and tried 'hustler' thing. Name one person that has 'won'. That you KNOW PERSONALLY. I will wait. Exactly. So yeah....I rest my case on that one. (Btw, I am not talking about those who actually 'had to' hustle either. I am talking about those that 'had SOMETHING'/had opportunities if they would have seen them through via sports/parents/brains/whatever but wanted to do it to get bitches, get QUICKER MONEY, or for the rep/lifestyle it supposedly affords people.)

Everything I have mentioned up top was done to impress a bunch of people that don't give a shit about you. This is STILL being done by PEOPLE IN THEIR LATE 20'-40's though. When are you gonna learn to stop valuing people's opinions that don't give a shit about you? How broke do you have to go? How long will your kids do without 'cause you can't grow the fuck up and act like an adult?

What you eat don't make me shit- Jay-Z

It is disgusting really to watch you run around like we are twelve all over again trying to get in with the 'cool crowd'. Those people don't give a shit about you. When you fall off of whatever the new 'cool thing is to do', they won't be there for you. They will find another person to replace your ass tomorrow without a second thought. Most cases, they are 'laughing at you'. It took me some experiences both personally and second and third hand to see this. I have watched people do it. I have had people do it (Not to my face unfortunately 'cause at the time, they would have gotten EVERYTHING THEY WANTED AND MORE via my fists had they done it...)

Furthermore, the deeper you delve into all the things I just spoke about up top, the more you will find that it isn't all peaches and cream. Those things all come with a price. Some heavier than others. That is the thing that people don't tell you when you see them out 'shining'. You don't hear about the rent not being paid 'cause they copped the new Lebrons. Their 'real car' note being behind because they copped that 'coupe' to ride around and stunt in on that over priced vacation they took to Mia. You ever notice how you 'never get invited to certain people's houses for parties/how they never throw parties'? There is a reason for that and it is always 'cause 'they don't want people in their house' either. I'll let you tell it though. How people have kids but you never 'see them with them' BUT you always see their kids? (I'll wait for that to register too.) I won't even speak on the girls. I don't have to. The situations and motives of said girls speak for themselves. They complain to you about going to court and the fees but cover up the after effects it has on job searches, family pressure and appearances in the 'real world'.

Let me stop though...After all, I JUST told you about valuing opinions of people who don't give a shit about you.

P.S. To translate that last part for you in English, I care about some of you but you just don't think I do. Or at least I used to. You probably already know what side of the fence you are on though so......

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