

I go on vacation and all hell breaks loose. McNabb,

Didn't see the need to 'announce' that I went BEFORE I ACTUALLY DID. My life is boring in that aspect so....

Okay, so you all know that D. McNabb got shipped down the turnpike to the Washington Redskins. I ,like you, was initially VERY SHOCKED that he was sent to a rival. It baffled the shit outta me honestly. Now that I have had time to think on it, it might not be such a HORRIBLE move.

There was only so much they were going to get for him and they DID get what they asked for. Playing him twice guaranteed sounds really 'interesting' but even if they sent him to the AFC, he still could have 'came back' and beat them in some sort of scenario anyway. So even doing that didn't guarantee they would not have to face McNabb again. I also had to remember that Donovan had some control over this issue. Meaning, it wasn't a 'shocker' to him. We have since found this out to be true because last week, right around the time of McNabb's "I just want the situation resolved' statement, he spoke to Dan Snyder. It was an weirdly worded statement THEN but I had no idea it meant THIS.

As far as Kevin Kolb is concerned, I am not all that convinced he is the 'answer'. Two games is not enough for me but hey, I don't run the Eagles nor am I am fan. We are about to find out though. With the 'person that is to blame for all of the failures in Philly for the last 11 years' gone, who are the fans/critics alike going to blame now? You can sarcastically continue to blame him but HE IS NO LONGER AROUND. I hope you guys (Eagles fans) that wanted him gone are patient. (Chuckles) Then again, ya'll the same mofos who threw batteries in snowballs.....

So now, Mick Vick is a 'reasonably' paid backup. Interesting. So when he gets 'vocal' about his role, he will be called all types of wrong due to the fact that he was 'allowed' back in the League. All because he will want to do what Kevin Kolb has expressed in these interviews the past couple of days. He wants to play and start. As he should. I am hoping he becomes the pain Donovan should have become when he wasn't getting the things he needed and they HAVE TO TRADE HIM. Of course, he might not be able to afford to do that but I am sincerely hoping so.

I also feel bad for Jason Campbell. I hope that the 'Skins let him go so maybe he could see some stability in another situation. The way that Jason found out was CLASSLESS. Even if you don't like your current quarterback, you should have the nuts to call him and tell him or his agent. I don't wanna hear that 'We didn't know it would turn out and it was a last minute thing....' shit either. Even if the 'Skins didn't think they had a shot at him, just letting him know they threw their hat in the ring on some level would have avoided that. Again, when he acts an ass (if he does), don't look for me to feel some kinda way about it. I won't blame him.

Again, Donovan is not the first Pro Bowl quarterback to part ways with their 'primary' team and have had to move on (McNair, Montana, Garcia,Cunningham,etc) so that is not the REAL ISSUE for most on the outside of 'Eagle World' (Fans included) It is the way things were blamed on him to me. He was not faultless. He wasn't 'the issue' to me though. He didn't play defense. He didn't fail to draft a Fullback. Try to convert Dan Klecko to FB. Draft a bunch of damm receivers that sucked or a bunch of bust lineman on both sides of the ball. Make Mike Mamula a high draft pick. You get the picture. You ALSO KNOW WHO DID THOSE THINGS. Lets see if he gets blamed if they don't win the chip.*

*Yes, he did draft Deshean Jackson, Shady McCoy, Brian Westbrook, Brent Celeck and some others. Still doesn't mean those other wasted picks didn't happen or should have happened.

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