

Not sure how they could get on Royce Reed for dancing when pics like these are floating around..Evelyn Lozada Basketball Wives.

I type the word 'Wives' loosely too btw. Only one of them (at the time of filming) can make that claim.

I gotta admit something. This shit is hard to watch. I can only take it in spurts. Obviously though, I have watched enough to know names and whatnot. I can see this being a show I catch on 'marathon status' one bored Sat/Sun afternoon OR if there is absolutely nothing else on a Sunday night as the NBA Playoffs thin and the games become fewer and fewer. The shit is just bad TV 70% of the time. Twitter comments keep me updated on when I need to flip back for the most part.

These were obviously not meant for us to see (Damm, dudes are getting more bitchy by the day @ releasing flicks) but she did jump down Royce's throat for her 'behavior' so you know the backlash is gonna be immense.

Rest of the pics are HERE:

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