

Old school says he murdered it. New school says it is 'okay'. Despicable- Eminem freestyle

Digging the Daffy Duck reference by the way....

Your thoughts?

I was a little busy so

Mine? I don't have to 'hate' Drake to love Em doing his thing on the track. Those are my thoughts. I do find it funny that no one is commenting on what he did to the OTHER track included on this freestyle. Which I kinda thought was iller. I also take in consideration the styles of the MCs involved and expectations. I am not expecting Drake to 'save hiphop' like some of you were. @ all the hurt feelings about him doing a certain type of music now. He did the track and did a fine job to me on the original. Em came back and did a good job too. That is about where it ends for me.

Anyway, that's my opinion. Don't expect you to share it.

As you were....

In case you are too young/too cool to know the reference...

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