

Black's Magic...The Boondocks...Season 3..

If you know anything about satire, you will understand why this is up here, what it means and why it is important.

I have to preface this by saying I am not 'upset' with Aaron, I am upset with some of ya'll and your views 'tis all. So don't try to make this about Aaron. It is not. It is about some of YOU.

The Season 3 Boondocks Ep. 1 premiered last night. I am sure most of you knew that though and caught it. Now, I know I am surrounded by some pretty snobby (intelligent)people as well as some people that think your whole identity is based on how 'thug' you are/if you would bust your gun at an old lady if disrespects/and that you are a clown if you don't know the first thing about 'bundling work'/or the drug metric system. I am kidding. Sorta. Well, no I am not. It is true. There are very few people in the middle and those that are probably my 'real' associates/friends/what have you.

Why the HELL IS THIS IMPORTANT when we are discussing the Boondocks ni##a!?! It is important because just like when my 'thug' friends laugh at people talking about 'jail' situations/violent confrontations/drug references and the like 'cause 'they are just that real', when a satire is done POKING FUN AT SOME OF THE SAME STEREOTYPES on the flip side, my intellectual people are LAUGHING THEIR PROVERBIAL ASSES OFF. That happened last night. Trust and believe me.

As usual, here I stand, in the middle of all of this. The shit was DEFINITELY funny. Lets start there. I won't make any bones about that. At all. I won't rehash it too much but they touched on some things. In particular the 'Thugnificent' thing (DMX).

But rather than laugh at those who may not know the backstory, I will share EXACTLY why it is funny besides the fact that he was cussing and being stereotypical. I am not losing any sleep over it though. I am sure that some media outlet will put the reasons behind some of the parts of the show, in small print. Or it will show up in the comments section BURIED way under all the 'Firsts, such and such representing Killatown, and all the other idiotic comments that make their way onto such platforms. I do what I do here and leave it at that.

Thuggnificent aka DMX....

Here is a link to the XXL Interview itself. In case you are EXTREMELY LAZY (Thus being a LAZY MOTHERFUCKER), there is a video breakdown of it below.

From the Interview itself..

Are you following the presidential race?
Not at all.

You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton.
His name is Barack?!

Barack Obama, yeah.

What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?

Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.
Barack Obama?

What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that nigga’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.

You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.
I ain’t really paying much attention.

I mean, it’s pretty big if a Black…
Wow, Barack! The nigga’s name is Barack. Barack? Nigga named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” [laughs] “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Barack.

So you’re not following the race. You can’t vote right?

Is that why you’re not following it?
No, because it’s just—it doesn’t matter. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do. It doesn’t really make a difference. These are the last years.

But it would be pretty big if we had a first Black president. That would be huge.
I mean, I guess…. What, they gon’ give a dog a bone? There you go. Ooh, we have a Black president now. They should’ve done that shit a long time ago, we wouldn’t be in the fuckin’ position we in now. With world war coming up right now. They done fucked this shit up then give it to the Black people, “Here you take it. Take my mess.”

Right, exactly.
It’s all a fuckin’ setup. It’s all a setup. All fuckin’ bullshit. All bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about none of that.

We could have a female president also, Hillary Clinton.
I mean, either way it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. No one person is directly affected by which president, you know, so what does it matter.

Yeah, but the country is.
I guess. The president is a puppet anyway. The president don’t make no damn decisions.

The president…they don’t have that much authority basically?
Nah, never.

But Bush pretty much…
You think Bush is making fuckin’ decisions?

He did, yeah, he fucked up the country.
He act like he making decisions. He could barely speak! He could barely fuckin’ speak!
Can’t be serious. He ain’t making no damn decisions.

Well Barack has a good chance of winning so that might be something.
Good for him, good for him."

(Waits for some of you to be upset at this white boy saying 'nigga' like that is the MAIN POINT OF THE VIDEO OR SOMETHING. That's right, keep deflecting...It is ONLY THE REAL REASON we have the problems we do now. No biggie.)


Executive/Judicial/Legislative at the answer to the 'joke question' he got asked by the way...To those were laughing at people instead of with people, you have a point as far as knowing who is laughing with as opposed to at you. You also should be imparting some sort of wisdom so that it doesn't become a 'running joke'. Remember how you felt when those type of jokes were being made about you and how a little 'wisdom' would have cleared things up a bit. I know it is a lot to ask of some of you but show some compassion as this type of knowledge is a little more important than not knowing how to 'bundle up some work' @ the things you may have been clowned about not knowing and still holding feelings over.

My thoughts on the episode? To quote myself from last night on Twitter it is this simple...

"I laughed at that shit just like I am entertained by rappers fucking a hundred bitches in their songs, selling 100 kilos in their raps and bragging about having read every book known to man thus making them smarter than us all. I take it for what it is worth and leave it be. "

I will explain what I mean by 'take it for what it is worth' so some of you won't be able to take too many liberties with my words. I don't need the Boondocks to give my political point of view no more than I need the Jon Stewart show or any OTHER SHOW to do so. Obviously, if information is passed on that I did not know it, I will TAKE IT AND research it. Use it as necessary. I don't however, have a I need to make it my crutch on all things political. Which honestly, I feel some of you are doing. Ironically enough, the Obama song with Will.I.Am could EASILY have a couple of words replaced in it and be about THIS VERY SUBJECT. EASILY.

I see you over there with your face frowned up. Saying shit like.." Why would you say that? Oh you are you a hater? What the hell is wrong with you that you don't like the Boondocks? You made a damm post about it so how are you going to diss it? "

Put your cape away. I like the show obviously but I think that sometimes its 'intent' is lost in the 'cussing' and militant attitude of some of the characters. AKA all that is seen is the ignorance. I know grown men (and women) who watch the show and that is all they get out of it. On some laugh now and figure out the serious shit (never) later. I also think some of you put too much stock into who is and isn't watching the show. I saw people getting clowned for not watching the show. Really? I mean REALLY? It is a satirical cartoon based on a life THAT WE ARE ALL LIVING NOW. If you need to live your life based on a cartoon that is on a two year delay, that is some sad shit. For real. Some of the people you were clowning for not watching the show ARE TOO BUSY LIVING THE LIFE in the satire and don't need to BONE UP ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF IT. You ever think of that? smh. No. Of course not. Too busy trying to be funny. All of us don't need our information in the same manner. Sorry to disappoint you. Just like 'You aren't reading all of that..' @ books and such as opposed to watching the movies/TV shows/and the like.

Understand that I am not clowning you for watching a cartoon either. ORIGINALLY CARTOONS WERE MADE TO DO JUST THIS. I know this. Trust me. Political/social satire is NOT NEW. But you knew that though...I know...(No, seriously, I know you know...Some of you anyway.) I guess my issue is 'clowning' people for what they do and don't watch period. I think that is pretty tasteless. As if TV is the end all be all. That just MIGHT be what our problem is now...

It was entertaining but pretty easy to do (Inkonegro). @ the first episode. I can't wait to see if Inkog and WiseMath touch on this tonight on the show..

I would also like to add that I look at anyone thinking because someone voted for him (or any candidate for that matter) is just cause to make the 'messiah like' logic leaps as JUST AS MUCH OF A FUCKING IDIOT as they think those people are. Voting whomever you think is the best candidate is NOT saying you think they are Jesus walking on Earth. Now if you SAY IT, then the logic leap can be made. Which I honestly don't know too many people PERSONALLY who ran around saying it then NOR do I know any doing it now. I know I didn't say that shit. I said he was a politician. PERIOD. I happen to like him better than the other candidate. No where have I EVER mentioned him walking on water nor being infallible. EVER. Taking sound bites off of TV interviews of others that are 'my color' and putting two and two together and getting EIGHT is just wrong. @ assuming that. That is like me assuming every white man is the fucking devil and every white woman is Medusa. It just isn't fair to do. It is even WORSE when you have someone of the same color SINGING THAT SHIT. Sorry. Yeah, I said it. You don't have to support anyone. That is respectable if you don't support him. But miss me with the 'I was never on board with him anyway so I am better than you 'cause I knew he was gonna do such and such..' shit. ESPECIALLY IF I TOLD YOU THAT KNEW THOSE THINGS TOO BEFORE HE GOT IN OFFICE.

Cats running around here talking about 'He is no savior' like they are saying something. No shit Sherlock. Want a cookie? Why don't you look in the mirror for once and say the same thing about yourself and how you are failing yourself for once? How about you 'man up' (woman up) and do that shit and MEAN IT? Some of you WEREN'T BORN WITH ANYTHING but had PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITY to change that. Some of you WERE BORN WITH SOMETHING and lost it all do to YOUR ACTIONS AND DUMB ASS SHIT. How about taking on some of that? When are you going to do that? Riddle me that one.

You won't though. It is too easy to point the finger at guy in the house down there in D.C. I know...Despite the fact that you READILY admit (When it is convenient) he HOLDS NO REAL POWER. Or at least that is what you say. To quote the other negro biblical cult following:

'You want it one way...'- Marlo.

Oh you understood that shit now huh? That is more telling than you will ever know.

Don't worry, you don't have to agree with EVERYTHING I just typed. I am used to marching to the beat of my own drummer. It is OKAY WITH ME. I am trouble free over here. Are you? I truly hope that I piss someone off today. Motivate them to do better. Something. 'Cause somebody has to say this shit. I am tired of it being ignored. I won't do like some of my other associates and laugh and giggle in code. I am willing to spell it out for you. You won't thank me for that though. You would rather run back to your 'yes 'em' people and have them keep feeding you bullshit. Not here. No bullshit for you. Some of you are flat out wrong for thinking the way you do and it needs to change. Period.

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