

I am pretty sure we all saw the fight...Today we will all be discussing it.

I am just going to put my thoughts on record so they can't be 'recanted'. I know most of you wouldn't have the guts to do this. I do though.

Now if you look around in the blog, you will see who I was going for in the fight. Floyd. So that was never in question. I am a Floyd fan. Antics withstanding, I like Floyd the BOXER. I could do without some of the gunshots in the entrance/exit and stuff but as a boxer, THE DUDE IS SERIOUS. Always has been. Anytime you fight someone with two broken hands and still win, you are a bad dude. On to this fight though.

This is a clip that I am sure WE ALL WILL SEE AT SOME POINT 'cause the site is just that wildly popular (Worldstar). I just want to talk about the first 2 rounds a bit though. It is in the first couple of minutes. They picked up the action there. When Floyd 'finally' got hit. Anybody who thought he wasn't going to ever get hit was a little foolish. Shane is fast. Floyd is fast. Someone was going to get touched. Zab hit him. Chop Chop hit him. But anyway....It was a GREAT SHOT. The MAN COUNTERED THAT SAME PUNCH THE VERY NEXT ROUND & from that point out slipped it and popped Shane every time he thought of throwing it from that point forward. Floyd is a BOXER people who happens to be able to 'fight' too. He took that shot (and the other one too) and said 'Ni##a I'm still here...Do better..'. Took all of Shane's confidence and flow. Ya'll complained about Floyd 'running' in fights, being boring in fights and the like. So he stood toe to toe with his opponent last night. He won. Happy now? No.....I know....I want to see it too. @ why.....

It is boxing people. You are gonna get hit. I also understand Floyd has been doing it so well for so long that some of you got shocked by that. That he would stand there to even be hit. That is why he did it. He was trying to prove he could do it and he did. I know a lot of you hate Floyd though. You must have had a full flask full last night after that 3rd round when he came back better than ever and dominated that fight. You just KNEW he was done. (I understand. You thought he was Roy Jones Jr. I know...) Nope. Oh and by the way, I don't want to hear that 38 years old shit 'cause no one was talking about that BEFORE THE FIGHT. His age wasn't a factor before. Don't make it one now.

As for this 'Pac hits harder than Sugar' shit I have to ask you one question. Did Floyd go down or something? Did I miss that? 'Cause I could have sworn that Floyd didn't hit the canvas. It isn't like he hit the floor and GOT BACK UP TO COME BACK. He NEVER WENT DOWN. His knees buckled and he did what he was supposed to do. Grab Mosley. He is BIGGER THAN MANNY. You think he can't grab Manny too IF HE DECIDES TO STAND THERE TO BE HIT? I mean, think your statements through people. Floyd made the DECISION to stand there to be hit by Shane. Who is to say that he would even do that against Manny? Who is to say Manny can even HIT HIM CLEANLY like that decision or not? You don't know that. We do know that when Floyd decided to 'disappear' on Shane, he did just that. Shane couldn't hit him anymore. Oh don't backpedal now. You used Shane hitting him as an example of how Pac would eat him up. So I damm sure can use the example/reasoning behind him getting hit and 'disappearing' on Shane as how he WOULDN'T. Stop that people. I think we found out last night (as if we didn't know) that a certain fighter can 'press' the action too. He did it before, during and AFTER THE HITS. All night long. Came forward. Kept attacking. Same way Floyd has to deal with Manny, MANNY HAS TO DEAL WITH FLOYD doing shit. Floyd is FAR AND AWAY the fastest and most skilled fighter Manny will have faced. Are we forgetting this? How can we forget this? I don't understand....

We all want 'the fight' to happen. I want it. Pac's fans want it. Floyd was clear though. No Olympic style testing, no fight. I don't see why this is neither understandable nor why it is considered 'ducking'. I am not fighting a person who won't concede to testing to make sure the playing field is level. All ya'll talking shit wouldn't do it UNLESS you stooped to his level and cheated too! Which would make you a cheat so your opinion doesn't matter to me on that. I would want Manny to beat him fair and square and it be PROVEN that it was fair if I were a big proponent of his. As a Floyd fan, I DEFINITELY want that to be the case. He beats him, he beats him. Okay. He is the best. Cool.

If (and I mean if) this fights happens and Floyd happens to beat him, I don't want to hear that 'Well Floyd was the bigger fighter..' and all the other shit. No excuses. I won't offer up any if he beats Floyd. He will be the best pound for pound fighter in the World to me. Period. If Floyd beats him, I don't see how you couldn't say the same. Some of you will 'find a way' though I am sure.

I am tired of speculating on it. I just want to see them fight. All this, 'Well he destroyed Cotto and this one beat that one worse than this one' shit is just that. Shit. We all know BOXING IS LIKE OTHER SPORTS. Match ups. One person might have NO TROUBLE with an opponent while another (fighting his fight) may just patiently dismantle him. BOTH WON THE FIGHT last I checked. @ common opponents. That is all that matters at the end.

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