

Natalie Nunn...sounding off....This ish is priceless...

Even if you haven't been 'following' who either one of these gals are, this is pretty funny. Before you make a blanket statement about the gal in the video here, you might want to do your research. Former USC soccer player. Has a show. Probably did some things you wouldn't be proud of either but not that you probably haven't done (or partaken in). The chick in question she is speaking about? Go look her up. She calls her name. What you will find will speak for itself. I don't need to hype it up. If you are just like her, you will love her. IF YOU HAVE HALF THE BRAIN GOD GAVE YOU, you might be mad you wasted your time even bothering to look her up.

Enjoy the rant though.

That bitch needs to be a Mom....-Natalie Nunn.

Is she lying? I mean, I know ya'll don't like her but she is telling the truth. I will let you see who she is speaking on.

Soccer does wonders no? I have said it before, fcuk talking about her chin being big.....

(Chuckles) Well, that pretty much clears that up.

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