

This Seattle shit.....I don't know what planet some of you fools live on that is 'aight' to touch a cop.

In particular while he is making an arrest.

Doesn't matter what YOU think the definition of assault is, this IS THE DEFINITION.

Assault- An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and Tort Law. There is, however, an additional Criminal Law category of assault consisting of an attempted but unsuccessful Battery.

Touching the cop=assault. Any way you look at it. You can 'niggarize it'/rationalize/brush off her actions all you want but once she put her hands on him, ALL BETS WERE OFF. May not have been my course of action but I am not overly upset he did it. Did it look brutal? Hell yeah. Is what she did stupid? HELL YEAH. Sounds about even to me. Video shows he pushed her off and she came back again. Both of them assaulted him actually. Lucky that they didn't get shot or maced. For real. Even the cats I know who HAVE ATTACKED POLICE would tell you that 'expecting them not to fight back' would be pretty stupid. This isn't the movies man. They have a 'gang mentality' remember? They like being brutal. Why would you feed into that by escalating things to that level?

It is one thing to play 'I think the cop is wrong so I am going to take physical action'. You want to do that? Fine. You can't bitch up when the cop hits you back though. Man or woman. If you are a woman and you feel you shouldn't be hit then perhaps you shouldn't touch a cop while he is arresting your friend. Seems simple enough. These excuses and 'tired ass cliches' ya'll keep hiding behind are the reasons some people are running around RIGHT NOW, terrorizing your neighborhoods and doing as they please. No one should get their ass kicked by ANYONE unprovoked but if you put yourself in harms way, you get what you ask for. They initially weren't even going to get arrested. The part about the getting arrested didn't take place until the verbal assaults and the physical assaults.

Would I have done it? No. I would have probably maced her ass. Am I outraged he did it? No. She obviously didn't learn not to do such things. She knows now though. Or at least she knows what might happen. Ya'll keep on playing Super Ni##a out here though. @ doing dumb shit and pumping people up to do things like this EVEN WHEN THEY ARE WRONG. Tell you what 'Super Ni##a', the next time you get 'detained' by the police, you do ALL the things she did in that video and let me know how it works out for you.

Perhaps we have forgotten the words of Mr. Rock....

Nobody said you had to 'love' the cops or be their friends but to act like there is not some sort of code that needs to be followed to avoid situations like this is absurd. Then again, if you can't see that then you need not question why you find yourself in the situations you are in.......

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