

Uh oh...Slim Thug's comments starting a firestorm...

You can go here for the rest...

Here is what he said though....Thoughts?

"The way Black people think in general is messed up. Both men and women need to change their way of thinking. It’s hard to trust a Black woman [sometimes] because a lot of Black women’s mind frame is that the man gotta do everything for her⎯ he gotta pay for this, he gotta pay for that, and if it ain’t about money then a lot of them ain’t fucking with him. If that’s what you’re here for then I don’t want to be with you.

Most single Black women feel like they don’t want to settle for less. Their standards are too high right now. They have to understand that successful Black men are kind of extinct. We’re important. It’s hard to find us so Black women have to bow down and let it be known that they gotta start working hard; they gotta start cooking and being down for they man more. They can’t just be running around with their head up in the air and passing all of us...."

1 comment:

  1. Blogger's note: Here is a comment that I deleted by accident.

    "AssertiveWit has left a new comment on your post "Uh oh...Slim Thug's comments starting a firestorm....":

    I can talk to you about this because even if you don't agree, you aren't going to be salty and act like a fucking retard LOL

    So here's my opinion on what he said:

    YES...there is SOME truth to what he said, however, his mistake was making generalized statements as if ALL Black women behaved like that. I know I most certainly don't so I wasn't in the least bit offended...his silly ass wasn't talking TO ME. I do think that PEOPLE, as a whole, NOT JUST CELEBS, need to watch their fucking mouths. When you choose not to, DEAL WITH THE BACKLASH LIKE AN ADULT.

    Personally, if I had made a BIG mistake like that, I wouldn't apologize for what I said but I would apologize for not using more tact in my delivery. I get that. A LOT of the women in my timeline have generalizing BAD but it allowed me to see that they're some assholes because they don't take into consideration how MEN feel when they say bullshit like "there are no good men"....really?

    So I guess ALL the men you've EVRE fucked with, your father, grandfather, etc are just fucked up and don't know how to act too? Then I'll hear, "well, you know what I mean", say what the fuck you mean or shut the fuck up...just like you whiny bitches expect Slim Thugg to shut the fuck up.

    And that's my take on it :) "
