

You will notice I haven't done a Lebron post..

I haven't done it 'cause I was basically only making my opinions known on Twitter (and slightly on Facebook) Not because I was scared to be wrong (Hell, some of you follow on both so you know what I was saying anyway) but rather I just didn't feel like taking the time to write down (type) some long drawn out thoughts. Until I saw the 'Flight to Miami' blurb like everyone else did on ESPN and heard that 'deafening silence'.

The silence I heard could be several things. Many of which I won't speculate on but involves anyone who is rooting for the perennial teams (Lakers, Orlando, possibly the Celtics) or the sector that I will be speaking on today. The 'THEY ARE ALL ABOUT THE MONEY AND THERE IS NO WAY THEY WILL LEAVE THAT KINDA MONEY ON THE TABLE' sector. Which seems to be just about everyone willing to listen to Chris Boussard, Stephen A. Smith, or anyone else associated with the main media. I understand too. They have given us a lot of good intel over the years as a network. Most times, they are correct. Sometimes they are our only DOOR into looking into what our favorite athlete is doing, thinking, etc, etc. Or they were. Now, with the advent of 'Net, the willingness of these athletes to open up more and the fact that they are not guided by 'conventional thinking' (old school agents, old rules, you get the point) they have done things the way they see fit. This situation is no exception.

What do I mean? Lets take a look at the original transaction that took place with Bosh. Supposedly, according to every SOURCE IN THE WORLD, there was NO WAY HE WOULD ACCEPT NOT BEING 'THE MAN' on a team. None. Not, 'He would like to be but could understand...' or 'He is a team player so he will do what is best....'. None. We see how that turned out. He NEVER SAID THAT. It was ASSUMED THAT IS THE WAY HE FELT BECAUSE THAT IS THE WAY THE PEOPLE WRITING THE STORIES WOULD FEEL. Why? Because that is the way this free agency thing is 'done'. Egos get in the way. People want to get paid. It is the status quo. Or it was it seems. These kids seem to get it. @ Wade, Bosh, and now maybe Lebron. They seem to have learned from the mistakes of the 'get paid' athletes that came before them. Those that took the max deals in the middle and then had to scramble late in their careers. CHASING THE RING. Pierce got lucky IMO (Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good...) in that KG and Ray Allen could still contribute on a high level to help him. This hasn't always been the case. Remember Charles Barkley chasing that ring? HOF player. No rings. Even Karl Malone. No rings. Lots of loyalty to the Jazz and the window closed on him. Went to LA and still no dice. You get the point. Even those that did chase down the ring successfully probably would have had more if they could have put the 'pay day' thing aside and linked up with a star. Grant Hill had the right idea when he was going to go play with Tracy McGrady but just had bad luck with that injury.

So I don't blame Lebron for HEAVILY considering going to play with his friends. People keep citing money like the boy didn't sign a $90 million contract OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL. Did we forget that? We won't even bring up the REST of the endorsements. Yes, money is the name of the game but the game is measured in chips when it comes to the likes of a Lebron James. Not just for the public but himself it seems. He likes WINNING. If he wants to win that big prize, he will consider taking this thing down to Miami. That is only logical. I dont' know what he is going to do. This is what I would do if I were him. (Remember that..) If not Miami, than NJ where the pocketbook is open and the owner will pay ABOVE AND BEYOND the luxury tax to make things happen. My first choice for him is Miami though. Now if Pat can pull some miracles off (money wise with his roster), this would be a great possibility. It is not out of the realms of possibility at all.

"If he wins one I won't RESPECT HIM 'cause he left or needed help..I know tons of players who didn't need to leave/need help to..."- You

So this means you respect no one then I take it? Last I checked, NO ONE, not even my favorite player of all time MJ did it 'alone'. It isn't like you can play 1 on 5 out there. That doesn't work. You need pieces. Mike had a TOP 50 OF ALL TIME PLAYER WITH HIM. Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West's Lakers....The boy Bean has Paul Gasol and Ron Artest. Boston had the big three and before that when they were ON THEIR DYNASTY THING HAD A HOF at every position for YEARS....Same with the Showtime Lakers (Kareem, Worthy, Magic)...The Pistons had Zeke, Joe Dumars, Adrian Dantley (Oh he isn't a big enough name for you? Does your favorite player have a basketball drill named after him? Oh...) and so on. I think you get the point. You name me somebody who did it by themselves and I will take my hat off to you. I know you can't though....There were always MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS. Ya'll need to quit acting like the boy is selling out by considering going to get somewhere that he can get a chip. Especially if you are one of those knocking him for not having one in the same time as 'Mike'.

If I were him, I would do it just to shut you fools up. I have the money. I would want the chips....See how I did that there? I didn't say 'he will do...'...I said "If I were him..." which is all I want these so called writers/journalists/degree'd up cats to do. Say it is what 'they would do' and stop speculating on what they are GOING TO DO. They have to retract their statements every hour....

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