

Decoded- Autobiography by Jay-Z

Well damm...I guess we won't have to guess about his life after all. To quote him on the subject..

When Rolling Stone spoke to Jay-Z for our June 2010 cover story, he talked about why he was reluctant to release the autobiographical work, even though it was completed several years ago. "It's too much. For the book, I was interviewed, people close to me were interviewed. So I was learning a lot of things I didn't know as a child," Jay-Z told RS. "It's not anything I haven't said in the past, in songs. It's just more detailed. A song is three minutes long. A book doesn't have to rhyme, and it has no time limit, so you can say exactly how everything went."

Now I can only imagine reading this and hearing each of his songs playing in my head as I do. Putting together pieces that I speculated on myself. Oh the barbershop arguments this shit is going to cause. Mostly by cats who will be going on fourth hand accounts because they WON'T READ THE BOOK. (What's the best way to hide knowledge from a.....put it in book...Not one of those trashy drug dealing tales books either. In true 'book' form..) This is going to be fun. I can almost hear some of the lazier ni##as I know now talking about it "Does it come in audio? Video? They shoulda made this a movie...." lol Anyhow, it should be fun. I am not expecting it to be up to the minute as it was finished a few years ago. I am expecting it to dispel some things about the cat though. And confirm others. I know I will be reading it. I also expect the 'thug' tangent of the World who is still FIRMLY ENTRENCHED in doing wrong to denounce it thus TOTALLY missing the point of the book. smh

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