

I saw a blog post today AND I heard Dana Jacoboson speak on this..Rooting for teams..

Actually this isn't a new topic. It gets discussed to death. Truly. You have a team. You root for THAT TEAM and that's it.

What I find funny though is that there is a 'blanket' theory about through sports. YET, when the issue always comes up, it is always questioned when one talks about basketball. And cross referenced with a FOOTBALL TEAM ANALOGY. Why is that?

Confused? I can see why. Let me give you an example. A person is a "Kobe" fan. They have a home team football team (There is no football team in LA and they don't live in LA anyway) that they root for though. Why the two of these EVEN GET MENTIONED IN THE SAME SENTENCE when questioning their fandom of Kobe makes no sense to me. Two different sports. Yet they get called all types of names.

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