

A Kim Kardashian Doll??? As in a 'sex doll'?? smh...

So I went and did some research. I was pretty surprised at what I saw.

Some company (who also did one of Lady Gaga it appears) has decided to release a sex doll in the exact likeness of Kim Kardashian. Wow.

I can only imagine what some of the stupid shit that will fall out of some ya'lls mouths when you get wind of this...

She is probably behind it.
Why not, she 'put out' a sex tape....(Ya'll are some grade A idiots if you believe she put that tape out and it is no wonder you are where you are in life if you believe that shit...)

Sounds like she is going to block it like Lady Gaga did with hers though. I hope so. Absolutely ridiculous.

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