

Finally..Someone asked Delonte West about Lebron's mother Gloria and their 'relationship...

Props to Deadspin..

Not that it is gonna matter to you idiots...You want to believe it so it will be. Just like you believe if you don't say anything to the cops/deny/deny/deny, even if they have video of you doing it......So as you I swear the shit some of you put all your faith and belief in. If only you could put that energy towards other shit...I digress though.

I know this isn't 'enough for some of you as 'you' would have did (Fill in some outlandish bullshit here) had you been asked the question but I know some of you ain't got shit else going on in your life but to run with something that sounds this good and scandalous. 
 Here is the EXACT QUOTE..

"I'm gonna keep everything focused on basketball. But, you know, I come from an era where, you don't need to say nothing bad about no one's, not at all."


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