

I promised more pics of _cynn (Cyn Santana)

Not that they are 'exclusive' or anything. I just know some of you asked about her and I am keeping that promise. I wouldn't advise 'messaging her any of that 'Hey baby..shit' at her many mediums unless you like get 'screen shot' and having her post it up on her Twitter in picture form. So put your cape away and just enjoy the pics. She took 'em to be seen so I don't feel no way about putting 'em up. Neither should you...

Getting her split on...I won't call the model's name she said wasn't the only who wasn't flexible. I am sure you will figure it out. (I don't think that was a shot at her either. It was just a statement. Calm down ya'll. 'Cause Yaris did it too. @ taking the pic..)

Funny lil video she did learning a song by Nicki Minaj (Her verse on Monster by 'Ye)

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