

One Night In Vegas 30 for 30...Tyson/Pac

In case you missed it.

I am slowly becoming one of 'those' people. The ones that I initially hated but ended up LOVING because they gave me a perspective of what an event was REALLY LIKE because they were ALIVE AND OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER DETAILS and not make up 'fairy tales'. During these years I was 'super engrossed' in hip hop. Before it was cool to be that way. Not that I was the ONLY ONE. I wasn't. It was just few people actually paid it attention like a select few of us. This was 'pre the Internet explosion' so cats weren't getting their info like that. It was straight magazines and the radio. So that involved READING (a book or magazine) and for most cats, that was SIMPLY OUT OF THE QUESTION. Either because they couldn't 'read' or it wasn't cool to do. Dissecting lyrics was even FURTHER OUT OF THE QUESTION if it didn't involve 'gun', shoot, kill, bitches, pussy and suck. So again, some of the 'clues' were lost. Pac talked about Mike A COUPLE OF TIMES in his rhymes. Spoke of their relationship often in mags. There was no TMZ or anything to break this so it seems it really wasn't 'common knowledge.' That was apparent by watching this doc on Twitter last night (Funny phrase huh? That is what it is like. I watch a show with 900 some people.) Folks I thought 'knew' were shocked by the revelation that they were friends. Some had not even paid attention to Tyson's entry music the night he fought Trevor. Interesting....Situations like this kinda show the difference a ten year age gap between two GROWN ADULTS really is. I have to remember a lot of you, although full fledged adults NOW, were only really young. You only have faint memories or handed down stories to go by. Usually by your older brother or your OG so..I have one person (a RENOWNED SPORTS PERSONALITY IN CHARM CITY) who I don't follow but a lot of my followers DO FOLLOW SPEAK ON HIM BEING ONLY 10 OR SO at the time of this fight. Yet, I have heard him speak on other situations around that time period. Needless to say, his recollection and my recollection of said events have often varied. Now I SEE He was LITTLE when this stuff was happening.

That is what makes a documentary like this so great though. To bring these things to light. By the way, I am not even a HUGE Pac fan like that. Know enough to respect what he bought to others though. I have all of his 'studio' records and the like. So while I am not a 'super fan', I am WELL VERSED IN the subject of 'Pac. I had to be. Every dude under 5'9 and who weighed less than 190 wanted to be him. I had no choice but to find about this dude who inspired Tough Tonys all over the World. lol

I will NOT BE RE UPLOADING THIS MORE THAN LIKELY. If it goes, it goes....

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