

Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- Nay Mayo (@_MayoNayz)

*I decided to move the day this is announced to earlier in the week for several reasons. I think it will work out better honestly. Time will tell though.

If you have been PAYING ATTENTION to the posts, you will IMMEDIATELY recognize this young lady from this post here..

If you live in DE and frequent the fashion scene, then you probably know her too. Bear with the rest of the folks in the World though as they do not know her. We are going to do our small part here at the The Warehouse to change that with this post. It isn't much but we do what we can here....So with out further delay, Nay Mayo ya'll....

Now I'mma tell you RIGHT NOW, if you do decide to hit that follow button on Nadeen please...I mean PLEASE....LEAVE THE BULLSHIT LINES, the 'h' word (you know the one) and the like back where you got it from. She'll block your ass faster than an ugly chick blocks the good looking friend at the end of the night during the 'let out'. She is good people though. Very nice. There is a 'circle' of friends & fam that I am completing here. If you to look at the 'Twitter Person of the Week' from a bit back, you will see makeup similarities and such. It isn't an accident. Maybe one day, I will complete the circle once that person and I get acquainted.

Follow her here...

Yes, she did some promo for the boy @DJbran
Nay and Alexis, who was in that Killavision shoot too btw...

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