

Bullying....Its about TIME they actually started recognizing it...

I touched on this topic again here....About a month or so later...

You know I had this LONG DRAWN OUT POST I WAS GOING TO DO in regards to this but the title post sums up how I feel pretty much.

For the longest time, like most bad things in the World, we as a people were just flat out DISMISSIVE when it came to bullying.

A. It is kids being kids.....
B. It adds character.....
C. Life isn't fair so a kid might as well learn that early on....

These are just SOME OF THE BULLSHIT EXCUSES I have heard when it comes to that shit. Then something 'funny' happened. Only it wasn't so funny. The bullying escalated and so did the 'retaliation'. Mofos started getting shot once they reached the breaking point. Then they started pulling the trigger or taking out the noose so that they were no longer with us. Leaving the bullies dead (or seriously maimed) and no one to exact 'justice' on. Just like it was when we kept 'brushing the subject off'.

I wonder why that is? Do you think that for all the 'inferiorness' that the 'bullied' persons had they actually saw that they weren't going to get justice? That those who were bullied as children grew up to be in charge and actually sought change? Kids are 'weaker' now? Talk to me people! I mean I have my own theories (a mix of all three actually) but all I know is that someone FINALLY TOOK NOTICE to the fact that maybe it isn't so 'cool' to just let this 'rights of passage' just slide on through. ESPECIALLY since now we have a 'machine' (The Internet) that can DOCUMENT AND ARCHIVE all the bullying that is taking place thus repeating the humiliation OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.

Have I gone soft on ya'll? Hell no. I know life isn't 'fair'. I know life isn't 'Little League'. We all can't 'win'. It is set up that way for a reason. There is also no need to run around and CONDONING bad behavior either though. On some 'It is what it is...'. You won't be talking that shit when some NERD/GEEK/MISFIT what have you comes to your kids school (assuming you give a shit about your kid to begin with) and comes and shoots the whole place up. Leaving your kid paralyzed or dead. Shit won't be so 'trivial' then will it? You will be all up in arms and all of that 'hood' shit won't be able to BRING HIM/HER BACK. They will be gone. Like it or not champ, there are RULES TO LIFE. You have to follow them. Just like Life isn't 'fair', there are also rules you have to abide by.

 Bullying doesn't equate to that..what the hell are you talking about Mr. Blogger?? I am confused...

If you are confused than you are not as smart as you want everyone to think then...It is this simple. Being given a pass to harass people as a child usually leads to you thinking that shit flies as an adult. It doesn't. It leads to things like 'HARASSMENT AT WORK'....Stalking your bf/ know things that you can CATCH A CHARGE FOR? Is it starting to become clearer for you? Not enough? How about running around physically assaulting people as a child because they are 'different'? Let me see if you can guess what type of mindset that could lead you to as an adult if it is not nipped in the bud....Oh you can't make the correlation? Let me help you. Those that do that usually are the types that think it is okay to go around beating up people who are 'different'. You know 'gay bashings' and things like that. Did I do a study? No. I have LIVED NIGGA. I have SEEN IT. Folks who never got checked on their ways as a kid have ended up in more shit because no one told them any better. They were 'allowed' and in some instances ENCOURAGED to carry on this behavior. @ bullying people. Only after they got the proper 'treatment' did they realize the error of their ways. Too often by that time, someone was seriously hurt or damaged because of it though. Hell, even THAT DIDN'T HELP THOUGH and unfortunately some of them had to lose THEIR LIVES 'cause they fucked with the wrong person. So this isn't some 'clinical' study or some information I have read, I have SEEN it. With my own two eyes. People I know. People I grew up with or around. In my family. Not in my family. My friends. My enemies. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR. Like usual though, my community in particular wants to 'cover it up. Much like the underlying mental health issues that contribute to the behavior as well. So I don't need a 'PHD' or to have conducted some study. My life has been that way. Fortunately for me, I have always been physically able to quell such bullshit but that doesn't mean I didn't see it or haven't been tried. Unlike most of you though, just because it didn't happen to me like that I didn't choose to ignore it or look at it like it is/was no 'big deal'. It is. Which is why I am glad the schools are doing something.

Here is something that I find even MORE INTERESTING THOUGH about the dynamics of this. Especially when it pertains to my community. When these SAME TACTICS are used against 'us' (Yes mofo

So to me this is yet another example of 'us' trying to do some shit that we have no business doing ESPECIALLY when it has been done to us over a LONG PERIOD TIME as a minority. I can't say 'race' because basically if you aren't in 'power', you are gonna get 'bullied' and shitted on. So I REALLY don't understand how 'we' can cosign that behavior to the fullest. Preparing our youth for the onslaught of bullying via INFORMATION and such? Sure.. No problem! Thinking that the mindset that we carrying out is somehow 'helping' the VAST MAJORITY OF THEM? No. We see how that turns out. Half of them don't know when to apply it and they like the 'power' it gives them. Thus it does them no good. They either end up in jail or dead. So we can't really afford to blindly co-sign this agenda. At least not to me. It does 'us' no good.

Now if you are a 'non person of color' reading this, this may not make much sense to you at all. Hell, if you are a PERSON OF COLOR who subscribes to the theory of 'bullying is not such a bad thing', you might not either. But if you are a person of ANY COLOR with any OUNCE OF COMMON SENSE, you should be able to see the point I am trying to make here.

Bullying is wrong and there are MUCH BETTER THINGS TO SPEND YOUR TIME ON besides 'building the character' of someone you really don't care about. That is a shot at the BIGGEST EXCUSE people come up with when doing it. @ that ole 'I was helping them become a stronger person' bullshit....

So I am glad the schools (like my daughters) are FINALLY WAKING UP AND TRYING TO STOP IT. Can they 'stop it' totally? No. We can't 'stop' a lot of things. Imagine what THE WORLD would be like if we didn't even TRY TO DO IT THOUGH? (Yes, I know some of you who don't have shit would LOVE THAT....)

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