

Ya'll aren't gonna like this...(video) You dudes anyway. Well..some of you might...

'Cause the vast amount of this is true..It is going to hurt some folks though which will let you know it is true. I expect men to hate this and woman to love it. At least those that do the stuff depicted in the skit @ the men. Those who don't hate it will find the humor and irony in it as they reminisce on watching/helping/advising/covering/etc for those who carry this type of stuff on as their M.O...It is what it is ya'll as you like to say. This shit isn't made up. It happens. The caption of the video says it all actually. Killing folks, people getting beat up and robbed is 'entertaining'. The truth? Naw..that shit ain't funny..@ the caption of the video. Telling....

Now can we a man version of this we will be good. 'Cause there ARE TWO SIDES TO THIS. Ya'll got some shit with ya'll too. For now though we can chuckle at this one 'cause there are a LOT OF TRUTHS TO THIS VIDEO....At least for some people. This could get ugly if it REALLY TAKES OFF. Lets see if it does though like the other 'shit' (Yeah I said it. This was FORWARDED TO ME. I don't frequent there....Thanks for playing though.) on that site does. I hope it goes bananas. 'Cause it is part of what I allude to here sometimes.

I will say this though. I wouldn't RUN up on folks who you don't have a relationship with & don't TRULY know with this as on some 'Rah rah...' rant shit. It might get YOUR card pulled. These traits are not made up though. I have seen them. Sometimes one or two of them in a person and sometimes all of them.

I promise you someone from a place I dwell on the Internet must have written this...If there is no sequel, I will get on Xtranormal (the site you create these on) and do it myself. Ya'll don't want that. Trust me. So someone get on it dammit!! And kudos and hats off to the mofo who made this one. You did well.


Okay, so after reading Jackie Reid's take on things about 10 minutes after getting the video...I see this is causing quite the uproar. I hadn't watched the video that got Jackie all upset...I have now...

This is the one that pissed her off. Thoughts?

Looks like people are responding in kind....@ video responses.

You are not strong enough......You are not 6'5..

Oh but there are more! Including one directed at 'Becky'...Oh this is 'just rich'. I see the attempt at the 'save'...Was it enough?

I am all for the dialogue actually. It needs to be discussed. Lots of hurt feelings as you can see on both sides..@ the videos. I have heard a lot of folks say these things.

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