

You are accountable even though you are aiming at a moving target,....-Roger Goddell

I know I took the words out of a bunch of other things he said in today's statement on the video that showed what is and isn't illegal as far as hits go.

Just re-read what I typed. Obviously, in certain situations THERE WON'T BE MOVEMENT/DECISIONS BY THE OFFENSIVE player when a hit is coming...Oh wait...Brandon Marshall ALREADY ADDRESSED THAT...Here....Just go listen to it if you missed the post. He speaks on 'making a decision in regards to zone and man coverage and catching the ball'. Kinda like the mistake that DeSean Jackson made (and Kevin Kolb did to by throwing him that ball) in the middle of that zone....You see, I am all for RESPONSIBILITY but it is shared evenly. Unless you just want to add a buffer zone or a halo or sorts around receivers. Thus just conceding catches to folks. Sure that will go over well. Which I know they aren't going to do but they have in essence done.. Football..react...that's what they do. We aren't talking a behavior that was JUST LEARNED. See I love how the announcers on every show are waxing philosophical about the way 'former players' used to hit....

Yeah...I know..funny...

I won't spend too much time on it. Others have said it for me....You can watch the video at

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