

A message from @Tip......An underlying one most of you are gonna miss..Fathers...

(Insert some picture of T.I. either in a suit going to court, a mug shot or a shot of the car he got pulled over in here. You know what it looks like by now. I don't have to post it up..This is not about that..@ hood shit, flashy shit or any of that other shit...This is about what what YOU need to get outta what he said...Period. Ya'll always talking about all the 'bad shit' you learn from those on TV & in music, take something GOOD outta this shit here...) 

Before I post it, I am sure a lot of you are gonna be dismissive of the message. If you even get it.  Which I find FUNNY AS HELL as you go around in your 'Free (insert your friends/cousin/brother/auntie/gf/etc/etc) shirts campaigning that we all should feel the pain and injustice you feel over them. Locked up is locked up fam. Hate to remind you, for some of you I am TRULY REMINDING YOU, of that fact. Two days of someone else telling you what to do with your time, locked up with a bunch of people of your gender and not being able to walk out is two days too many. Never mind a whole year or so out of your life.  I REMEMBER how you were when you got out. Happy as shit. So don't play that 'tough guy/girl' shit now. You wasn't 'living it up' in there. It is JAIL. County. Fed. State. Local. All jail. You don't get to go home. I wish ya'll would stop acting like the shit is a vacation. It is not.You can 'rationale' it all you want.

We weren't MADE TO BE LOCKED UP AND CAGED UP hence the reason why it is a PUNISHMENT. Mind you, he has been in and out, JUST LIKE YOUR FRIEND/ETC WHO KEEPS FUCKING UP, for the better part of 15-20 years. From the Fort Lauderdale thing on down back up to this case right here. So while he SURELY has himself to blame, he has to go through the process just like everyone else does who actually eventually 'gets it' that what he is doing ISN'T PAYING OFF. Start trying to piece together what is TRULY right and wrong. What is and isn't helping his situation. He just happens to be a major star who 'has to' for image sake, speak what's on his mind about this process lest it speculated to death. (And it still might be that speculated on anyway since we all know we all think we are Ms. Cleo and shit at times..@ reading what is on people's minds especially when they are down and fucked up.) Should you 'believe' him? Man, I don't know..I do know that I take him for his word that at the very least, he is probably a little frustrated. With himself. He expresses that here. That is all this is to me. Of course ya'll will take the time to 'mount up' on your horse and act like you have never REPEATEDLY made mistakes that costs you progress in your life or that you never will. Being as though you are perfect and all...As you were.....

P.S. I wonder if one day we are gonna find out his father and Melvin either knew each other or are family.....(If you know your music, you KNOW who Melvin is...and he isn't in the 'Bluenotes' ) 'Cause him and Melvin's son are SUPER TIGHT. Always have been.  Why did I mention that? Read the letter where he talks about his Dad....Same story some of you have told me that makes you empathetic to those you hold near and dear or even some of the reasons you do WHAT IT IS YOU DO.

Per his site:

This experience is truly a pain I have never felt before and that's saying a lot for a nigga who's been down locked up as many times as I have. I see this as a real ass whoopin'. The kind you don't just go back outside to play afterwards. You take ya ass to bed and don't come out of your room until it's time to go to school. I don' t know what effect this will have on my life moving forward but I'm certainly sick and mother f*cking tired of going to jail, juve, prison, the pen, correctional facilities or whatever else you want to call it. I'd have been better off doing a 5-10 year bid one time than going in time and time again for days, weeks and months for the last 15 years of my life. Even though it's been a long road, I'm still standing, barely but nevertheless still standing. At one time I thought my motivation for continuing was for my fans, my partna Philant, my pops, my grandmama, even for the haters or the people I let down. But nah... I got to do this shit for me!!! I'll be God damned if I've come all this way and made it through so much hell to let it go down like this! F*ck that! If an hour in the dark is worth a second in the sun then pass me my mother f*ckin' shades cause I'm ready to cash my darkest hours in...ASAP!!! A lot of folks had fathers or father figures in the house to raise them into manhood. I'm not trying to make any excuses for my situation but my father was a hustler that lived in New York. My uncle was a local big time dope boy turned 10 year federal inmate. My mother and grandparents did the best they could but I found my manhood in the trap and in prison systems. But I found it. And nan one of mine will ever have to feel the cold tight grip of a handcuff or grace the presence of a jail cell if I can help it. Over my dead body! So if you can't respect that you ain't rocking with my movement then Fuck you dog! I know a bunch of mother f*ckers who are.....

- Love KING

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