

Homeland Security's Domain Name Seizure May Stretch The Law Past The Breaking Point..article...

I am going to put a piece and then let you read the rest.....

We had a bunch of questions concerning the legality of Homeland Security's seizure of domain names via its Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) group. The whole thing seemed of extremely dubious legality. And it appears we're not the only ones to think so.

First, it's important to understand exactly what happened. Copycense points us to a useful analysis of how the seizures actually worked. Amazingly, it appears that Homeland Security contracted out the seizures to a private company, immixGroup IT Solutions, which set up the "" domain that the seized domains now point to. The other bit of useful info is that the seizures appear to have been done directly by VeriSign at the top level domain level. VeriSign, of course, controls the .com TLD, and so Homeland Security appears to have just asked VeriSign to move the domains (with a court order, of course), and it did so.....

The rest of the VERY INFORMATIVE ARTICLE is here...You should read it especially if you consider yourself 'well versed' in 'rights'/the Internet/etc'....This will further explain the legalities of the recent seizures of and others domain names and how it may or may not be 'legal'....

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