

@S_C (Jay-Z)Do You Wanna Ride? comes to life...Remember the collect call Emory?

I know a lot of you thought that was mere 'fiction'. Another made up story by Jay-Z.  Au contre monfre my friend. That was real...It seems Jay-Z fulfilled his promise too. Offering him a $50k job and putting it in writing to the court.

Good to see it come to fruition not for us but for Emory Jones, who had his sentence reduced by 37 months as a part of a motion requested by Jones based on Supreme Court findings addressing the inequity in sentences levied in cases involving crack cocaine as opposed to the powdered form of the drug. More reasons to read DeCoded as Jay-Z gets into all of the who's (Jones included) and where's (Maryland Eastern Shore to name a few) of where this all took place. Jones Federal custody ended on Sept. 20 and his probation ends in 2015. I am a little taken aback it took this story this long to REALLY get press (not from me but in general). I mean the Maybach part of the story got some run but not his part with the letter. Interesting. I think THAT is more important than him having the fresh whip waiting for him. Then again, despite all of the complaints by folks who SWEAR he is super flashy, materialistic, and an all out braggart, doesn't usually discuss nearly as much as he probably could.

Yeah..yeah..yeah...I know...he did it for 'XYZ'..How's that crystal ball you are using to know this working out for you in you and your every day troubles? Oh....

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