

Some bloggers are gonna get upset by this statement by Rihanna...Not me.

"[I still read the blogs] sometimes, it depends on what it is I am trying to find out. I’m a lot more numb to it now only because I understand what it is. It’s a community for people who don’t have anything else to do and hate themselves, they hate their life, they hate their job, they hate their appearance, they are uncomfortable with who they are so what makes them feel good is talking smack about other people who they think they will never ever see in their life and they happen to be celebrities. It seems impossible to ever have the opportunity to say these things to their face, so they get to hide behind their computer."

She didn't lie. There are plenty, that I read on the regular actually to get a counterpoint, that do exactly what she says. If someone has the right to speak on her, she should have the right to speak on them. Even if it is as 'a whole'. Not mad about it. I know I don't blog in that fashion about her to my knowledge. I blogged about what I know of in her situation and used my (I have her by almost a decade and five) years on this Earth to deduct the rest. Even if she didn't agree with it though, I don't see this as 'sour grapes' on her part. She is just speaking her mind. Kinda like we do..No harm no foul to me.

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