

I was wondering when someone was gonna do this...The Kobe/Michael Jordan debate...He is in the convo...

...but this might end that conversation. This chart doesn't even take into consideration the RULES that are now in place. You know the ones that some of you like to cite when we play pickup basketball about people like me 'not being able to touch you' or the VERY STIFF PENALTIES for flagrant fouls. Can you imagine if you weren't able to 'literally' touch Mike? If the Pistons literally weren't allowed to beat him up for years (and he STILL GOT HIS)? Flip side to that is imagining Kobe with teammates that would play like FOR HIM. Seeing what levels he might have gotten to had he been pushed by a Joe Dumars, Rock Richmond, Latrell Spreewell in his prime and the like. What he would have done with a Dennis Johnson dogging him. Sidney Moncrief all over him in a way that Bruce Bowen NEVER could do and watching him rise to the challenge. What would they have done with a 6'8 guard who can finish and shoot a three? Very good debate indeed.

Yeah...yeah..I hear say you couldn't do it then without getting a call. That wasn't all the time and it SURELY wasn't during his first 7 in the League. Possibly longer....Still and all it is a great debate....


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