

At the risk of having this dude bitch about copyright infringement.....Read this bitchass article on @KingJames

This is journalism? This is what mofo go to school for? To play 'the heel' or the good guy? This bullshit. Then again, he writes for Faux so.....

This shit ya'll doing in the name of 'journalism' SUCKS. I don't know who the fuck ya'll think you are fooling with it.....You start off an article like this and any IDIOT with a set of eyes can see where it is going. It is pathetic. Yeah, I read it but I wouldn't give ANY OF THE SPONSORS the time of day that support this shit so my 'reading it' is null and void from the profit aspect. It is trash. Period.

There’s nothing like a week away from LeBron James to crystallize just how far the Chosen One has to go before he becomes the leader the Miami Heat need......"

So when I walked into the Heat’s locker room in Charlotte, with the usual media suspects milling about and a new year under way, I felt confident LeBron wouldn’t do anything before an easy road game to unmask the problem child inside him.

First, there was the fact he’d done that only a week ago by claiming not to know what “contraction” meant. Then there was the proximity of Paul Silas, now the Bobcats’ interim head coach, a walking reminder of LeBron’s coach-killing ways.

So it was sure to be an uneventful evening, with no off-court meaning to be gleaned, no insight to be glimpsed.

That’s what you think when you’re not around The King every day. Had I been the past week, like usual, maybe I wouldn’t have been so surprised by what happened next."

 Read the rest of that and you will see what I mean...@ those of you who have not.The writer goes on to 'tear apart' the way Lebron answers questions about Spo winning coach of the month all while downplaying the fact that Lebron and his teammates played a role in that. I think it is fair to say all involved had a role in it. Period. Which is all Lebron may be guilty of pointing out. He also goes in on Lebron for praising Paul Silas while stating the facts about the Heat's current run. I mean if he lied, so be it. He didn't though....

Now is everyone required to write all nice things about Lebron? No. Again, when he messes up, write AWAY. Quit looking for shit though. This is ridiculous. It makes it seems like it is personal when you write like this which is what us 'bloggers' are supposed to be all about. Remember? It is no longer us that are blurring the lines of professionalism. It is you.  I blame ESPN for that though. With The Sports Reporters and their slanted asses, the SkipBayless's of the World and the like. Just write the stories man. Quit adding all of this extra 'bitter beer face' analysis that shows your slip.

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