

Championship time..A.K.A The annual post on: Using 'we' when talking about a team winning that you root for..

I see a lot of FOLKS HAVE A BIG ISSUE WITH THIS. This is the main thing I hear when one team wins and the other loses. In particular if that team has a OUTSPOKEN PERSONALITY of their fans do too.

'You don't play for the team.....'
'Cats out here acting like they are suiting up for the.......'
Insert any other lil wisecrack every sore loser has to offer up when they have talked so MUCH SHIT ABOUT THE OTHER TEAM and their team loses....Or they hate the fanbase of a certain team.

Now mind you, I DO THINK THERE IS A LINE. I really do. I just don't think that the 'we' is where the line should be drawn. Here's why:

Getting upset about the usage of the word 'we' when talking about sports would be FINE and acceptable except for one little problem. THE MINUTE THAT THE TEAM A PERSON ROOTS FOR LOSES or has A BAD INCIDENT WHAT ARE THE FIRST WORDS THAT FALL FROM PEOPLE'S LIPS?" Let me help you in case you have gotten amnesia or are one of those staunch supporters of not saying 'we' when a fan's team wins.

'What happened to YOUR TEAM?"


"What's wrong with YOUR boys??"

"What are ya'll gonna do now that such and such isn't playing/starting/suspended/missing games/got into it with a coach?"

Do I REALLY NEED TO GO ANY FURTHER WITH THIS? All of the sudden, it is IS MY TEAM. You are giving out ownership when the team loses but not when it wins eh? FOH. Do you see how this shit sounds like mofos are a bunch of sore losers when they pull this 'TRUMP CARD'? YOU WANT ME TO OWN IT! Own that loss. Own that fuck up. Own that mistake. All of that.....Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. What ya'll gonna do with Ben out? How can YA'LL allow him to play? Cats are QUICK TO pull out that bs when their team loses but turn RIGHT AROUND AND SAY 'We are winners.." "My (insert team name here) are the World Champs".....Contradiction much?

So yeah...MISS ME ALL THE WAY WITH THAT 'YOU CAN'T SAY WE' SHIT. "Cause if my team loses, you will be the first one RUNNING UP ON ME WITH "What happened to your team?" bullshit....Taunting and popping shit and if I were to 'switch up' (which I wouldn't), you'd call me a bandwagoner and rightfully so. 'Cause I 'jumped off of my team's bandwagon'. (Looks into the camera) Let me put it in words you ninjas understand....

You want it one way- Marlo...

As you were......(Drops the mic)

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