

I hope the thing we learned about this Jay Cutler thing and Twitter when it comes to athletes ..EVERYONE REACTS TO THINGS DIFFERENTLY..

Expecting someone to react the way you to do to adversity is not the move. I have heard players say what they would have done AND I BELIEVE 'EM too but you can't hold that man to doing things the way YOU DO THEM.

Look, I am not a Jay Cutler fan. I happen to think that he is a tad bit blithe in his actions and he makes many mistakes on the field. I DEFINITELY watched the game and he pretty much played how I expected him to against the Packers. I wasn't 'concerned' with him coming out the game 'cause he wasn't playing well anyway and he was getting BOPPED. So the fact that we didn't 'see' the injury on one particular play doesn't bother me. As someone who does physical things (and I am not the only one I know) I can't help but wonder how people can act like they need to see a 'performance' in order 'believe him'. I don't need that. If the man said he was hurt, he was hurt. As it turned out, he was hurt. So I wasn't going to rush to that judgment.  I think the whole thing is silly really. Not the opinions 'cause they belong to people but the HOOPLA over it. Things got said....Urlacher addressed people.....the end. Now we have folks following Cutler around in LA? Really? Really? Come on man....Enough...

The other issue I have is the 'muzzle' that people want to put on the players now because of that. I feel that is wrong too. So the players said it. Big deal. Now everyone wants them to be quiet. No. When they say 'stupid' stuff on these shows like FIRST TAKE or then they are being interviewed by the Adam Schefters, the Bob Ryan's or Bill Plaschke's (and many many many others of the World, they want ALL OF THAT. Now because they can speak and respond without being cut off, it is 'Quiet them down..." FOH. I love Twitter and Facebook for that reason alone. We are FINALLY getting to hear 'non scripted' responses from folks. Not from every athlete mind you as their publicist won't unleash them on ALONE on these social networks but quite a few. I even follow players I don't 'like' (I hate no player. Sorry. It isn't that deep...) and have grown quite fond of reading the tweets of players I am supposed to 'not like' due to their team affiliations. So I don't want them censored. I don't mind them not being able to Tweet or FB during the games but to restrict them outside of that is a bit much to me. Pocket Hercules spoke his mind. I loved that. Matt Hassleback, before he erased his tweet, got at Cro and CRO RESPONDED. I love that. I hate the way the media came down on CRO though like they didn't see Matt's tweet. (It is archived in the Library of Congress ya'll if it was on the public timeline so even if he 'erased it' it WILL SHOW UP...) No censorship of the players man. They are people too and it actually helps the fans realize that. It is a good thing. Trust me because most people's perceptions of these athletes are that they are dumb and have mush for brains. Twitter often times dispels the SHIT OUTTA THAT THEORY. I love it.

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